Chapter One, Chases House

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A small disclaimer, this is a Roleplay a friend and i did, so if the grammar is off, that is why
enjoy reading<3
Also, this is in no way assuming anything about anyone, this is just for fun, because my friend and i have wierd ideas we like sharing with people soo yea


Kio sat in his chair with Eric on his lap holding him close. He stared at his tiktok for you page and looked through some of eric's tiktoks sighing. "what did i say about wearing crop tops..'' He muttered sinking his fingers into eric's side

Eric's eyes widened a bit and lightly hits the other's hand away, nibbling down on his lip ring and looks at Kio "I-I'm too fat for them" He huffed as his scottish accent plagued the room. "But those a-are drafts Kio, don't worry.."

Kio growls and slaps his thigh "are you talking back to me eric?" his eyes grow dark and he makes eric look at him and pinches his jaw forcing him to pout

" I'm not, I'm sorry" He flinched at the stinging sensation that greeted his thigh, pursing his lips and deciding to keep his mouth shut, trying not to get Kio get anymore upset than he already was "I'll go exercise if you want me to.."

Kio nods and throws his head to the side "Not now. We have arrangments to meet up with Chase Hudson from the hype house to work out a collab plan" he says grabbing his thighs and squeezing them tightly
"O-okay...what should I wear then?" He kept his head low and fiddled with his fingers, feeling a bit scared of what was to come if he didn't like that choice of clothes that was given him, he always spoke his mind which always led to disaster but he'd try to....calm himself this time.
Kio thinks for a moment and pulls out his phone with a picture of a harness "Wear a hoodie..with black jeans and this over it.."

He tilts his head to look at the phone and nods "I'm not wearing a shirt?" He got up to get a shower and to get dressed, everything was controlled for him but he loved Kio, so it was no problem to listen to him.
Kio nods and smirks at him. He let him go and went to go change. He put on a black shirt and dark blue ripped jeans and waited outside of the bathroom for Eric to come out.
After a few minutes passed, roughly 15, Eric took his towel up and wrapped it around his body. He opened the door to see Kio and jumped in fright followed by a soft squeak "Shit...babe I didn't see you there.." He placed a hand on his forehead, sweeping the wet hair from his face.
Kio snickered and pulled him close to him. "Scared?" He asks in a low toneJune 21, 2020
Now Eric was short but to have Kio tower over him this way honestly...did scare him, "N-No..." He only mumbled the rest of his thoughts under his breath hoping the other wouldn't hear.
kio grabbed his shoulder giving it a firm squeeze. "Are you lying to me baby?" I ask calmly, hiding my anger.
Eric only whimpered at the tight squeeze and nodded, "Yes....I-I'm sorry~" He muttered and fixed his towel so it'd stay up, he looked up Kio's darkened eyes and smiled, placing a kiss on his lips hoping it'll calm him down.
Kio smirked at him and grabbed his arm pulling him to their bedroom throwing him onto the bed "stay." He demanded
"What are you doing, aren't we going to Hudson's ?" He pouts and looks down at his feet, he stayed on the bed and waited for Kio's instructions or something.
Kio smirks and nods going to the closet getting what he will wear nd a small vibrator "Dont worry, we are.."
Eric held his head low and mumbles under his breath, grabbing his lotion and start rubbing it all over his arms and thighs to keep his skin from drying out. Kio liked his skin smooth so he did it just for his pleasure.
Kio smiles and without warning shoves it into him. "Good boy." He says with a smirk as he turned it onto the lowest setting throwing his clothes at him telling him to get dressed
A small wave of tensity rush through is body, letting an airy moan leaving his lips. Eric does as he was told and starts getting dressed as slowly as he could move. "Kio...w-why now!?" He bites his lip ring and feel his knees buckle.
Kio giggles and helps him up letting him lean onto him. "Its fun" he said pucking him up walking to his car once he was dressed
Eric squirmed into the boy's touch and pouts as he tries to wiggle out of Kio's grip "Put me down ye idiot, your gonna make it less fun for meh" His scottish accent became more pronounced as he moved around, only to feel the vibrator rubbing against his walls "D-did you hear me?"
Kio fake pouted rubbing his hair roughly. He rolled his eyes and started driving to chase's apartment, completeley ignoring eric.
Erc sighed and knelt in his seat so he could look in the little mirror in front of him and adjusted his hair, snapping a little attitude at Kio and scoffed "Do you have to mess up my hair?"
kio stared at him getting a little annoyed. "What are you gonna do about it huh?" Asks like a brat and smacks him on the back of his head. "Your hair is fine sit down.."
Eric whines and sits down, starting to rub the back of his head "Sorry...." He rolled his eyes and looked out the window "How long till we get there?"June 24, 2020
Kio looks at the time. "Ten minutes..." mumbles out and glares at him in the corner of his eye planning on what he will do to him next "chase wants you to do his makeup."
Eric's eyes lit up and giggles as he turns his attention to Kio as he hits on his own legs "I get to do Hudson's makeup!~" He was surely excited for this, he was thinking of making a few video's while they were there.
Kio smiles a little at him "Yea he wants a skull or something..just..nevermind.." turns his attention back to the road and doesnt say anything else
Eric brings his knees up to his chest and lays his seat back, trying not to move much and whimpers, "Kio can you t-turn it off till we get there...the road is bumpy and its teasing me"
Kio looks at him and shrugs turning it up to the highest level and laughing maniaclly. "Thats fine"
Eric was beyond words as he felt his entire body shake and pleasure coursing over him. "N-No! Ahmm~ I SAID.....O-off ngh" He yelled and rocked his hips.
Kio smirks at him and continues to drive purposely hitting all of the bumps, teasing him. "Whats wrong baby?"
Eric whines out and proceeds to reach into Kio's pocket for the remote as he continued with his girly squeaks, only to have himself hit an unexpected high "I-I wanna....w-wanna-"
kio puts the remote into his other pocket facing the door and smiles at him. "wanna what baby?" He says gripping his leg squeezing it firmly
Eric whines and nibbles on his lip ring as he felt his torso flex up and down "...c-cum...p-please Kio..." His eyes rolled back and almost fluttering closed. His body was extremely sensitive but he had to put up with this for the sake of his heart.
Kio nods and lets go of his leg "Go ahead.." he says and smirks at him
"B-but my clothes....." He whimpers trying to hold it in a bit longer and reaches his hand back for the remote, as his moans slightly got louder. "I swear.....I'll get you hard a-and... ngh! you'll have to take care of it y-yourself!~"
kio rolls his eyes and stares at the road "Just take your pants off"
"But I'll have t-to clean the c-car.....oh m-my god~ alright..." Eric stripped his pants off and covered his face in embarrassment as he didn't have any underwear on. His legs twitched as he came all over himself and the seat, he whined as he turned to Kio for some sort of help

Kio looks at him and smirks turning off the vibrator. he slipped the remote into his pocket and got out wet wipes from the front console and handed them to him, petting his hair "such a good boy.."
Eric's cheeks turned red, grabbing the wipes from his hands, "whatever..." He mumbles and wiped down the seat and then his thighs, his cheeks burned more from anxiety, feeling like their were other eyes watching than Kio.

Kio looks over at him and pets his head gently cooing sweet things at him. He knew he had to make him feel good, then he had to just crush his ego for him to stay in love with him
Eric smiles a bit and leans over, kissing his cheek and pulling his pants back onto his hips "I love you K." He giggles and makes himself comfortable in his seat.
Kio smiles pulling into chase's driveway grabbing his hand "I know.."
"This is it?..." He looks over at Kio with a little gleam in his eye and excitedly opens the car door.
Chase comes out and welcomes them and Kio comes out walking right behind Eric holding onto him tightly as they all went inside "Hey guys, thanks for coming!" Chase says leading them to a room with good lightling
Eric stayed close to the other and smiles "Thanks for having us....I'm like your biggest fan" He giggles a little and covers his mouth, stomping his little feet actually being in the presence of this guy.
Kio glares at chase a little and holds onto Eric even tighter not saying anything Chase smiles "Thanks, Im a big fan of your work too"
Eric winces and calms himself down, because of the tight grip on him "Th-thanks...." He turns his focus to Kio and pouts, "....let go.." He mumbles and keeps his puppy eyes directly at him.
Kio glares at him and lets go of him throwing him towards chase. Chase stares at them awkwardly and catches Eric before he falls "so uhh i was thinking we would do some dances or something-"
Eric frowns and looks up at Chase "Oh...sure, I just need to fix something real quick" He turned to Kio and clutches his shirt, pecking his lips and whispers "I-I'm sorry baby.....forgive me?"June 26, 2020
Chase goes out of the room to get his phone feeling awkward with them Kio looks down at him and glares a little rolling his eyes and getting out his phone, looking through his FYP "go get your makeup stuff.." he mutters not making eye contact with him
Eric sighs and walks back out to the car and take his makeup kit from the backseat, he then closes the door and comes back to the room having a small smile on his face, but he was sort of thinking he messed up "I got em...What next baby?" He clutched the bag in his small hands.
Chase walks back in the room and smiles at them before sitting down "Eric can you do my makeup?" He asks Eric smiling his perfect smile while Kio glares at him from the corner of the room still looking through his tiktokEric slowly shuffles his way to Chase and nods "Yes...yes I can, do you want like horror or something cute?" He tried to keep his fanboying side in check so he wouldn't make Kio anymore angry than he already was, he might need to brace himself on the way home and that kinda made him scared.
Chase thinks for a moment and wrinkles his nose "How about horror? i think that my fans like seeing me as an Edgy eboy so" Chase said looking up at him smiling Kio rolled his eyes at them and excused himself because his "Head hurt" and left the two alone. Chase was fine with it and was sorta glad Kio's bad vibes where gone
Eric smiles softly at Chase as he sets his kit down. A soft sigh pressed through his lungs and he opens his kit finding dark colors to use and places them on Chase's desk. "Alright, sit down so I can get started" He giggles and rakes his hair back
Chase smiled at him and sat down looking at him "Kio doesnt stick around long does he?"
"He....he just gets a bit...jealous sometimes, and he's protective" He smiles and pins Chase's hair out of his face.
Chase smiles at him "Y'know i would never do that..." looks at him making strong eye contact with him
Eric giggles and wipes down his face with the cleanser to get any excess dirt from his face "I'm sure you'd make a great boyfriend one day~" He coos and started applying a pale tone to his face.
Chase smiles and stares at him "You would make a great boyfriend too.."
He smiles and pokes his nose, noticing his stare, causing him to stop a little "Why...thank you Chase!"
Chase bites his lip and looks down "Your welcome.."June 27, 2020
"W-what's wrong? You need a hug?" He asked innocently looking at Chase as he laid the finishing touches on his makeup.
Smiles at him and nods scrunching his nose and opening his arms to him "yesh"
Goes in for the hug and giggles as he rubs Chase's back "That was cute..."
Kio comes in right as Eric hugged him and growled a little Chase stopped smiling and let go of him looking at Kio "i thought your head hurt?" Chase asks "im better now. lets just make a tiktok so we can go..."Kio mutters gripping erics wrist tightly
Eric squeaks and bounces his focus from Kio to Chase and tries to calm the situation "H-hey can we all friendly for the next hour?" He asked with a shaking voice, not daring to even look at Kio.
Kio glared at Eric and gripped his wrist tighter "I am being friendly.." *mutters and glares at chase who was just as suprised as eric
"Alright baby, do you need me to do anything for you?" He pursed his lips to stop himself from tearing up and took his free hand, massaging his fingers through Kio's hair and smiles.
Kio shakes his head and lets go of him forcing him to sit down and chase gets up getting out his phone and sets it up. Kio put on a convincing fake smile and winked at the camera before him and chase did the renegade dance perfectly completely in sync
Eric giggles from his seat and claps for the two as he taps his tiny feet against the hard wood floor "You two did amazing~" He smiles at Kio before standing up and waddling over to hug on his arm.
Kio keeps his forced smiles and says goodbye to chase walking out dropping his smile as he got into the car looking pissed off and mad
Eric laughs as Chase and him exchanged numbers and pokes his head "Wash that crap off and don't let it give you pimples!" He giggles as he gets in the car next to Kio and looks at him with a soft smile..."Ready to go baby?"
Kio glares at him and starts the car driving to thier house without a word. He kept quiet untill they came to a red light. "Your begging for it arent you?"

Eric looks over at Kio and became puzzled, what on earth was he talking about? "B-begging? Kio...begging for what?"

He looks away from the road and glares at him "For me to be mad at you.."

His eyes widened a bit and finally processed the situation. "What...NO! I'd never want to get you mad, and you know it, silly boy~" Eric pouts and stares up at Kio.

Kio glares at him and then looks back at the road, speeding up almost hitting a lady on the street

Hey guys! Its me again, I dont know if you enjoyed reading that or not but if you did, leave a comment or- something, I mean, if you didnt like it what you want Lmao im not judging. My discord is 

 in case anyone wants to talk, or roleplay or anything, I do Kios P.O.V, Have a good day/morning/evening/night y'all

V, Have a good day/morning/evening/night y'all

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