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It's early in the morning and my alarm clock is making this loud noise which annoys me the most, i might have not notice this until now that i realized that my lovely brother changed my alarm sound into a dying horse

"What a pleasant way to disturb my sleep.." i said as i stood up and stretched, i realized that today was my first day in third year on karasuno high. I walked towards the bathroom and did my usual routine

After doing my morning routine, i headed downstairs to eat breakfast but not before flicking my brother's forehead for changing my alarm sound

"Ow! Stop being rude n/n" my brother keiji said as we both headed downstairs, i must admit one thing that saddens me the most is that we both go to different schools. Despite being a year older than him, he still has the guts to annoy me even if people knew him as the quiet and stoic yet handsome boy

He is indeed handsome, his messy black locks match with his deep blue ocean eyes and what completed the look is the way his pale skin matches with everything and i must admit, i'm jealous of my baby brother

Though he would always whine on how i got the looks and left him with a little bit, oh how i want to spike a volleyball on his face but that would ruin his handsome face so being the kind sister that i am, i decided to not do that and just flick his forehead instead

We sat down and ate our breakfast as our mother prepared our lunches, it's still pretty early since we wake up at like 4am so that we can have more time to prepare ourselves and do what we have to do

So it's currently 4:30am and classes does not start until 8:00 but i have to be at school early for morning practices, being a manager on the boys' volleyball club is stressful but at least i got a help from a fellow third year, Shimizu Kiyoko

She was quite a beauty herself, her long blue hair matches perfectly with her blue eyes and don't forget about the birth mark under her lip, it just completes everything. Though she was very quiet but she is kind and caring

After eating our breakfast, me and keiji that it would be best if we leave since it's already 6:00am and that means the train will be arriving at 6:30am despite going to different schools, we still go to the train station together and we would often meet up at Versa Café to eat snacks before going home

"We'll be going now okasan" i said as i waved my hand at our mother while i put on my shoes before grabbing my blazer and my bag from the floor

"Okasan, make sure to not overwork yourself" keiji said as he gave our mother a hug which caused our mother to giggle before nodding and kissing both of our cheeks

"Be safe on your way sweethearts" she said as we opened the door and walked towards the train station which is by the way a 15 minutes walk, so that means if we arrive at the train station we have to wait for another 15 minutes for the train to arrive

We arrived at the train station and we took a seat on the nearest bench, i took my earbuds out as i connected it into my phone. I scrolled through my playlist and click on a song called 'Adore', it was one of my favorite song and whenever i listen to it i would always put it on loop

"So keiji, make sure to have fun okay? Make a lot of friends other than bokuto" i said as i turn my head to look at my brother who has been reading his favorite book called 'Adore Her'

"I know nee-san, you have been telling me that from the day i started my first year in highschool because you feared about bokuto-san graduating soon and leaving me behind" he said as he flipped on the page as he reads the new chapter

"I know, i'm just worried that you'll be lonely once that happen" i said as he looked up from his book and gave me a soft smile which i rarely see, oh gracious the heavens must've answered my prayers

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