Part 1

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"Amy!! This is the second time i am telling you to pick up after yourself when you are done practising!!" Shouted Micheal as he stormed into Amy's room.. from mine i could hear their normal ritual of a fight.

This time i had made up my mind not to interfere.. minutes later i heard Amy's door forcefully opened then slammed shut, i knew that my words about not interfering meant nothing now, she came into my room.

Her eyes where on the brink of tears;i wanted to laugh but i knew that if i did, it would definitely offend her. her pixie like body frame and baby blond hair made her look like a child, her attitude wasn't helping either, I was her complete opposite I didn't mind playing elder sister once inawhile.

Micheal loved her very much, her childishness didn't bother him nor did her forgetfulness, he seemed to love everything about her, both good and bad. When asked he did reply "I married her because she is the one for me, I wouldn't have her any other way she is perfect" she ran into the bed where i lay and hugged me.." Crystal.. Micheal is mean to me again" she looked seriously at me then at. Micheal "tell him am a girl he shouldn't scream at me.." i looked up and saw Micheal by the door looking helpless.

I knew from his expression he needed help.. he blew it once more he knew Amy hated it when you screamed at her..hugging her closely like i always did; "Amy you know it isn't fair to practise and leave things behind, Micheal must have been tired, coming back from work, it must have made him sad. H didn't mean what he did, okay?.. look at him Amy, he didn't really mean it"

Amy looked towards the door then turned towards me with an embarrassed expression which meant that she realised her flaw then pouted because he looked sad and Amy loved him so much, she disliked it when he was sad. She then whispered to me,"is he really mad at me", she looked just as sad,

i replied; "no way! go to him and give him a big hug am sure he is sorry too". Amy did just that and it was all settled, they closed my door and left hand in hand calling out "dinner will be done soon."

I really loved Amy and Micheal they where the only family I had left, though we are not related, my parents died since when i was a baby, Amy used to be my babysitter, when they died i was taken in by another family. When i was twelve years old Amy and Micheal adopted me.

When they were just newly weds. Amy couldn't have any children due to some medical problems, and Micheal didn't mind, all he cared about was her happiness. After all she was around when my parents died, she wanted to take me in then but she couldn't because she was too young, after they both heard the sad news Amy came looking for me, I was so happy when she found me, to me she like my last ray of hope for happiness, we became attached to each other.

Everyone was happy, i gained two amazing parents and they gained a daughter, we where all happy with what we had. I taught that this was my very own cindrella story and I was at the ending with my happily ever after, turned out that my fairy Godmother was yet to show and give my once upon a time a disturbing twist..

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