chapter 01.

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7:45 am

natalia's pov:

i get up from my bed,and walk to my closet. but not just any closet,walk in. cool right?

my favorite part of the day,is me obviously. but,it's also my fashion! living in new jersey, tells me,that my fashion to this state is important! especially to the girls,of course.

i walk in,and i stand at the doorway. my clothes is separated by color. it'd be easier for me to pick my clothes.

it's monday,so i decide to go with a nice and bright color to wake up people. so,yellow.

i walked over to the yell section,and looked through. a nice yellow shirt did caught my attention i bought the other day. so i grabbed it,and picked some shoes that go with it.

i close the door,as my brother walks in my room.

"lia" he says.
isaiah,my older brother. he's um,a lady's man. he's attractive,tall,nice messy hair,and has the worst attitude. but that's not a worry to the world,he's cute so he passes.

"what?" i ask.
"have you seen any piece of clothing around the house last night? it's a g- " before i let him finish his sentence,i pick up a bag from the trash.

"you mean this shit? found it on the stairway when i was cleaning" i smiled.
"thank you" he says,grabbing the bag. "but why is it in a bag and in the trash? it's clothes" he added.

"yeah clothes that isn't mine. i don't throw away clothes that's mine" i state.
"well maybe you should,with that shitty junk of clothes you have in their" he replies.

"it's not shitty,it's fashion" i rolled my eyes.
"whatever,thanks for the shirt" he grinned, closing the door.

i lock the door,as i took off my shirt. he wasted 5minutes of my day,and that's not what i'm hear for.

"daddy!" i say,as he comes to the kitchen.
"not now natalia" he says.
"daddy you need to take your vitamins for today!" i demand.

"where's my briefcase?" he questioned,looking at me.
"vitamins" i smiled.

he grabs the vitamin,and the juice as he swallows both things.
"what the hell was that?" he said,giving me a disgusted face.

"your vitamin d-3" i say.
"eh,i need my briefcase. where is it?" he continued.

"daddy i made breakfast!" i exclaim.
"i would love to stay,but i have a lot to do in the office today" he explains.

daddy gets paid 500$ an hour for yelling at people,which is being a lawyer. but a mean one.

"why don't you eat with your brother? alright? take care and i'll see you after school." he stated,giving me a kiss in the cheek.

"bye son!" he yelled,closing the main door.
"sit mija,i'll serve you breakfast" the maid says.

i give her a smile as i sit down waiting for my food and brother.

"dad didn't stay for breakfast?" my brother asked,sitting on the right side of me.
"no,he said he's busy" i say.
"don't worry,you got me" he smiled,drinking his orange juice.

"drive safe dummy!" isaiah yells,getting in his car.
"i'll try" i laughed.

i'm 16,which means i can drive now. but i don't have my license,so that's why everyone tells me to be safe. but driving is my thing,it gets me to places quicker,and i can pick up my friends.

my brother drives off,as i did next.

so i'm guessing,am i rich? yes,well not kinda. we live in the rich side of new jersey,shop expensive stuff,you know what,i am rich never mind.

but i don't brag about it,never did and never will. it just gives me a better reputation, which i don't mind at all.

but it doesn't stop me from being friends with people too. i parked in front of my friends house,as i waited. she also comes from a wealthy family,and too mention. she has better fashion taste then me.

"nat!" she yells,waving at me.
"hi dess!" i waved back.
"like the hat?" she said,getting in the car.
"who helped you shop? doctor suess?" i teased.

"who told you this purse was nice? dog fur?" she teased.
"it's nice!" i laughed,driving off.

"oh i didn't tell you?" she says,walking next to me.
"what?" .

"ale almost got kicked off the soccer team yesterday" she mentions,throwing her purse to her back.
"what do you see in that guy?" i say disgusted.
"love! it's not my fault you can't keep a relationship with a high schooler" she declared.

"oh come on! you know me!" i giggled.
"whatever,but luckily they saved him" she added.

"oh look,here he comes now" i pointed.
"hey women" alejandro says.

"i told you repeatedly not to call me that!" she yells,grabbing everyone's attention.
"sorry,ms.marie" he joked.
"better" she smiled.

"but what you up too?" he smirked,
"nothing much. but i wanna ask you that. why the hell is some girls underwear in your car?" she shouts,taking out a pair of underwear, making everyone coming around us.

"destiny don't start! that's yours!" he yells.
"come on! i don't wear fruit of the loop underwear! you know better!" she shouts.

"i'm gonna leave you too this," i say,giving her a wink.

she returns the wink,as i walk away from the group. walking towards the school,there's so much to see. but mostly it's the time for the nerds to come out.

a boy comes up to me and hugs me as i looked at him. "hey babygirl" he smirked.

"ugh get off of me! as if!" i yell,pushing him away,as he laughed.

"such a disgrace!" i say,wiping of his germs from my clothes.

first chapter done!!

if you guys watched the movie,you'd recognize some parts from the movie 😝.

and if you haven't,recommended! on netflix!


this story is a y/n one! except!

natalia is you,it's easier for me to have a name than "y/n" because sometimes i get mixed up.

but i just wanted to point that out !

stay tune ;) .

clueless | mattia polibioWhere stories live. Discover now