(Y/n) (l/n) a 17 year old girl who has attended Kimetsu Academy since middle school. She recently broke up with her ex boyfriend Genya due to the fact he lost interest, and got with someone else the next day. Since then (y/n) has been very short-tem...
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It's a new day, but today seems off. Inosuke did not meet up with you to walk to school tomorrow, in fact he wasn't even home, so you were kinda surprised. And a bit hurt because he never told you.
You give him a text.
Where are you? Did you go to school early?
Yup, come faster I have something for you :)
Ohh a surprise? I thought you ditched me. Hehe
No I'm not mean :(
Ik silly, I'll be there soon <3
You laugh and shove your phone into your pocket and continue you way in the walk to school. You pick up the pace because you are kinda curious to see what this surprise Inosuke has for you is. Surprises are always fun.
A few minutes later you arrive at the gate, but strangely none of your friends are there, except Aoi. So of course, you run up to Aoi.
"Hey, where is everyone?" You ask.
"Oh, Tanjiro and Nezuko are by the vending machine, you should go check on them, also these are for you." Aoi smiles handing you a bracelet made of little acorns.
"Aww... how cute!" You smile slipping the bracelet on.
You run up to the vending machine to see Tanjiro and Nezuko, they both smile happily once they spot you running up to them.
"Hey guys! Uhh why aren't we all together?" You question.
"Zenitsu and Kanao are by the gym!" Nezuko says, muffled through her French bread.
"This is yours!" Tanjiro smiles handing you a handmade acorn hair ornament.
"Oh my gosh... it's adorable! Did you all make these for me?" You smile.
"You'll see!" Tanjiro smiles as you run off to the gym.
You see them by the front, and pick up the pace as soon as you spot them. It's like a scavenger hunt how cute!
"Guys!" You smile.
"Inosuke is by the greenhouse!" Kanao grins.
"And this is for you..." Zenitsu beams sliding an acorn necklace around your neck.
"Oh my goodness you guys these are so cute, thank you!" You smile waving them off and run to the greenhouse.
The greenhouse is all the way at the back of the school so you pick up the running pace, this is all kind of exciting!