isindziso yankhulunkulu

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Salvation is the act of being saved from sin and evil.
Is also called deliverance or redemption.
You are delivered by air and by body.

Kusindza emoyeni


munftu uyasindza emoyeni kulesonokusindza eweni  lesiyisana etonweni wente titfo letimbi.

Kusindza eweni loboyakhona.

Efesu 2:8=9
Acts 4:12
Luke 13:5
Uma ungumutfu you need to be saved because to be saved you are going away from sins. You are through faith (umusa) not by your cleverness.
Insindziso ngulokutsi utsatse sicumumo kutokhona  to guide by God.
Romans 10:11
Salvation is by grace

Who must be saved?

Matthew 19:23.25-26
Revelations 3:20
If anyone hears my voice and open i will enter
Salvation is for all mankind

How do you receive salvation?

John 5:24
Romans 10:9=10
You have to say it with your mouth and believe that your Lord God sent Jesus for you to be saved. You confess that Jesus is the Lord and believe that then you can be saved.
Luke 19:(the story of Zacheuas.... Zakewu)
.....kufuneka utibone
.......bese uyalikhola lelivi
.....bese you confess that Jesus was raised from the dead
.....ulive lelivi lankhulunkulu.......
.....ukhulume ngemumlomo wakho kutsi Nkulunkhulu ngumusindzisi wakho
Romans 9:8
2 Corinthians 5:19

Sat . July 25

2 Timothy 2:2
Benefits of salvation

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2021 ⏰

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