0- The new Uchiha Addition

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A/N: hey new crossover with Boruto you will be playing the role of Sarada's new younger sister but you were born only a year later when she was born. and I changed a little bit of the story plot.

The hidden leaf village a modern world where they have electricity and phones and buses but no cars and in this village lived the famous heroes of the village long ago. the seventh Hokage Naruto Uzumaki, The strong Sakura Haruno Uchiha's wife of the aloof Sasuke Uchiha.

March/ 31 /2018, when Sarada Uchiha born( sorry I don't' know when was the show taken place) and not long after a year, a new member was added Yuna Uchiha.

the present time she is 10 years old

"MOM!" Sarada ran down the stairs to her mom who was in the kitchen cooking lunch for the 2 to stop stirring and looked down at Sarada's jumpy body and looked as if she was hiding something.

"yes Sarada what is it?" she bent down to Sarada's height and looked curious at the small girl with red-rimmed glasses. Sarada then took out a piece of paper with a cherry tree watercolor and with a picture of the whole family it was detailed to the dimples and eyes of happiness.

"oh my goodness Sarada who drew this or painted this?" she held the paper as if it was a newborn baby, "I and y/n did I painted and she did the drawing of us, do you like it, mama?" she looks to her and then to the shy Yuna cowering behind the wall embarrassed that her older sister showed her work.

"Yuna come here," Sakura gestured her to come to her and Sarada for a hug, she toddled over and jumped hug them and laughed. Sakura then took it and placed it on the nightstand and went back to cooking. while the 2 drawn in the living room it was a happy life but not that happy since their father was always out on missions and rarely comes home to his family.

( i guess tomorrow I will make a copy of this and send give it to Sasuke-Kun) Sakura took the drawing and placed it next to her nightstand next to her bed and fell into a slumber.

in the reader's dream. p.o.v

" onesan where are you?" Yuna's voice echos through a black void than a figure came into the clear and it was a woman with a little girl and a tall man with black hair and bangs over his left eye. "mom, onesan what are you doing here.

"your, not Yuna you're a monster," her mom's word echoed and it was the hurtful words dripping in venom and your sister looked at you with teary eyes. "you promised you to be my best sister now it is over." and sooner a black figure appeared in front of her and her family and stabbed them all and blood splattered all over her as she just stared in shock and fear.

"NO!" she woke up sweating and crying rubbing your eyes then your door opened with her mom in her pajamas with your sister behind her. "Yuna? are you ok I heard screaming and you-." she was looking at her wide eyes with your sister looking confused.

"we'll talk about this tomorrow with your father but you must get some sleep," her mom took Sarada away and she went to the bathroom to wash her face but when you faced the mirror your eyes glowed a red with a black ring around the pupil with 3 tear-shaped looking dots ringed through.

In the morning the window shined with the rays of sunshine and hits your face, Yuna got up from the bed and walked to the bathroom to meet her sister brushing her hair she was always up before her and it was not a bother. taking her brush from the cabinet and squirted toothpaste on and brush the soft bristles on her teeth and thought of what she's gonna do with her father.

"Sarada, Yuna come down someone's home," their mom hollered to come down and they both did and a man with the same description in the photo in your locket and Sarada's too.

Symbol of the Uchiha (boruto x Bnha x Fem OC Sarada Sister) *heavy Re-editing*Where stories live. Discover now