Classes and Rulebreaking

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(A/N: No, I don't own Harry Potter. I'm just a fangirl who has nothing better to do. Alright? Alright.)

The Ravenclaw common room was quite different from the Gryffindor common room as it was described by Gloria's parents and brothers.

They had to climb a long spiral staircase in order to reach it, and boy, was it worth the effort. It was a large, circular room, with arched windows hung with blue and bronze silks that must, Gloria thought, faced out onto the mighty mountains surrounding the castle. The domed ceiling was painted with stars, and a large white marble statue of a rather beautiful woman with long curls and a quizzical half smile on her face. She seemed beautiful, though intimidating. There was also a delicate looking circlet on top of her head. Gloria thought there were words etched into it, but Penelope had already led them to the door beside the statue, and opened it to reach the dormitories.

"And this will be your common room," she said to Gloria, Luna Lovegood, Isla Baker, Evie Campbell, Grace Harrison and Mia Bennett.

After a good night's sleep, Gloria was ready to show the school that she was a great student and ready to tackle challenges head-on.

At the Ravenclaw table, she had a delicious breakfast of rolls and fried tomatoes with marmalade, Professor Flitwick handed them their timetables.

First, they had double Defense Against The Dark Arts, then Herbology with the Slytherins, then a break, followed by lunch, then another break, followed by Potions with the Hufflepuffs. Then they had Astronomy at midnight.

Their morning lessons, Defense Against The Dark Arts, were nothing short of torture. Lockhart kept talking about himself and himself only to the point where Gloria wanted to chuck something in his mouth. Or at least Grace Harrison's, who kept staring at him as though he was an electric plug or something similarly wonderful.

After two hours of that, they headed to the Great Hall for lunch and then Gloria spent the breaks with Ginny, whom she hadn't seen since their sorting.

"I'm really bummed out that we can't take any classes together." Ginny said with a frown. Gloria looked at her with a sad smile but then held her hand out.

"Ginny, promise me that us being in different houses will not change anything. Alright?" Ginny grinned and shook her sister's hand firmly. "You bet!"

After parting ways with Ginny(rather reluctantly), Gloria and her fellow Ravenclaws headed to the dungeons for Potions(Muggle-born Mia Bennett said this "seems like a Disney movie", something that made a few other Muggle-borns giggle, though Gloria had zero idea what they were talking about.)

Potions was a rather boring class, especially since all they did was discuss the cure for boils potion. They didn't even brew the damn thing.

Gloria returned after a while and just plopped on one of the chairs, taking out Ginny's copy of Wanderings With Werewolves and reading it. She quickly realised that Lockhart books made for rather boring reads and decided to choose a more interesting book from the bookshelf instead.

So she decided to just start on her homework. She took out her Potions textbook and One Thousand Magical Herbs and Fungi and began to read up on the Cure for Boils Potion, determined to outshine everyone else in her class.

At midnight, Gloria found her least favourite lesson in terms of convenience. Astronomy. She had been looking forward to a solid eight hours of sleep, not studying planets and stars at midnight!

The next day, all the first-year Ravenclaws were quite tired. Gloria got up groggily and made her way to the Great Hall, not looking where she was going until she bumped into none other than Draco Malfoy.

"Watch where you're going, Weaselette." He snarled. Gloria blushed and nodded, running to the Great Hall and trying to sit beside a third year with reddish blonde hair.

"You can't sit here! I'm saving this seat for a friend!" The girl said rather rudely. Gloria rolled her eyes and reluctantly took a seat beside Luna Lovegood, who was wearing- were those things dangling from her ears radishes?!

Gloria ignored the fact that Luna was perhaps the most Loony person she had ever met and just got her breakfast and began to eat.

"Today isn't half bad," Isla Baker muttered to Gloria, who nodded.

They had Charms, Transfiguration, Herbology with the Slytherins, and History of Magic.

At nine A.M sharp, the bell rang, signalling the start of classes. Gloria made her way to Charms, where Professor Flitwick was standing on a stack of books to see over the head of his desk.

He took the register and then gave them all a little speech about how wandwork and saying the spell correctly is really important and should always be remembered, along with the use of the spell.

They later went to Transfiguration. Professor McGonagall was quite strict, but fair. She took the register and gave them a talk about how Transfiguration was a really difficult task and she had no tolerance for half-assed work.

Herbology was a decent class, they went to greenhouse one and just studied plants there, not really paying attention to the wind howling in the distance. Gloria noticed that Professor Sprout had bandaged fingers, but didn't pay that much attention to it.

History of Magic was the most boring thing to ever grace the earth, thought Gloria as Professor Binns' voice droned on and on for what seemed like a lifetime, though it was only an hour.

Later, she spotted a doubt in one Gadding With Ghouls and decided to pay Professor Lockhart a visit to clarify that doubt.

When Lockhart heard knocking, he went to the door to see Gloria standing with Gadding with Ghouls clutched tightly in her hand.

"Oh! Miss Weasley, eh? I suppose you wanted to know more about me? Or perhaps you found out that I was a Ravenclaw too when I was in school and wanted to know how to be just like me?"

Gloria was already reconsidering coming here,"Er- no Professor, I just wanted to-"

"For one, don't copy your brother's actions! Flying a car to be like me?!"

"Professor I-" He just wouldn't let her finish her sentences, instead telling her about how great he was.

By the time he let her go, Gloria was infuriated, frustrated and nervous, as curfew was over now. She made her way to Ravenclaw tower and knocked.

"What is always in front of you but can't be seen?" Asked the knocker.

Gloria tried to reason, but couldn't. And this caused her to be quite nervous. What was worse, she could hear Filch and Mrs Norris moving upstairs and if they caught her out of bed at this time, they weren't going to listen to her alibis.

She tried again, but nothing came to mind, until she heard someone else coming along. She saw an Indian girl that seemed to be in Ron's year and had met Gloria at mealtimes.

"Trouble getting in?" She asked kindly. Gloria nodded. The girl gave Gloria a small smile and then knocked.

"What is always in front of you but can't be seen?" The door knocker asked again. The girl thought for a moment and then seemed to light up.

"The future!" The door swung open at her confident answer and the two girls headed inside.

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