Chapter 2: Resigning from hell

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Wtf guys online classes are hard. Half of the time there are problems with the teacher's connection and then other bullshit. I am understanding nothing 😓🤡


Casper's pov

The city was extra crowed today so I decided to put my wings to some use.As I flew over crowds of different creatures I focused on the building I was approaching.

For as long as I can remember I have been doing the same job at the same place and it is very boring. I have been thinking about leaving for a long time and finally I am doing it today.I am offically resigning from hell.

My wings flap one last time as my feet touch the rooftop. Jaden, my assistant, was already there waiting for me.

"Sir, you are late again."He told me like I didn't know.I decided to not reply to him and continued to enter the building.He rushed in after me. The first thing I heard as I headed inside was sirens and I looked at Jaden to explain.

"The 50th floor is on fire, sir." He informed me, I nodded in response.That is weird, our building never catches on fire. 

"I would like to see it." Something interesting was happening at work, I needed to see it.

"Uh sir, the boss agreed to meet you today.Shouldn't you meet him first? The fire brigade is already here." He said flipping through a file as both of us strolled through the busy building filled with demons and vampires.

"He can wait." I said and headed to the 50th floor.

Like Jaden said, the whole floor was on fire but for some reason the fire was unusual. I observed the chaos around me as people ran around screaming, some running out of the place coughing while others were trying to put out the fire.Even after the struggle of these men, the fire was not decreasing in any way. 

Of course, the fire can't be put out. It is a spell, fire created by spells can not just be put out by water. I inhaled the smoke coming from the fire. This was a strong spell, I wonder who casted this. 

Seeing my colleagues in distress was very intertaining but the fire was increasing and could burn the whole place. I could put it out but I would rather have this place burned down. Who ever did this, I praise you.

I decided to leave it as it was and stolled back up to the top floor, where Jaden was waiting for me. "Tell them it is a spell and call a warlock to help them." 

Jaden nodded understandingly and left as I approached his office. I pushed open the glass door entering the office I hate with a passion.

Everything was just like how it always is. His office was a long hall with mirrors instead of a wall but the curtains were drawn, with no light coming in. Everything from the ceiling to ground was black and the only thing that could be seen was the fire place and the red chair next to it. And of course our beloved Boss sitting on it.

"Ah Casper, finally you decide to come.I have been waiting for a while."He began and moved his chair so he was facing me. I couldn't see his face not that I wanted to. "What do you want?"

"I am quiting the job."I said calmly knowing the chaos I was creating.

Lucifier remained silent for a long time and then started laughing like a maniac as I just stared at his face. "Quit?" he asked finally.

I nodded in response.

"You can not just quit this job. You are an essential demon I need in my company.Honestly, I like you the most out of everyone and I am not letting you go like this." He said in a serious manner.

"I am leaving." I continued ignoring him.

"No you are not. Who is going strike the big bargains for me? Who is going to deal with the weakling's bullshit?" He refered the vampires and the weaker demons as weaklings.

I pointed to him."You are going to do it yourself." 

"Casper, this is not happening. Only the heavens can take you from me." He replied. Why is he being so difficult? 

"I will make things very difficult for you."I warned him calmly, turning to leave.

"I don't care what you do Cas-"He was cut short at the sudden disturbance.

I looked at my feet to see some sort of symbols forming. Someone was casting a spell but at me? I immediatly looked up at Lucifer but he looked surprised so he didn't do it. I felt myself becoming pulled towads the symbol, this most be a summoning spell. Why was someone summoning me? Was this even possible?

Being on of the higher demons, normal beings could not summon me. It required a very powerful person to do this.

My surroundings were suddenly becoming brighter and I could hear the chanting. It was a female voice speaking a very old language. Being a demon I recognised it at once, it was the old language of witches and it was being spoken in a very bad manner. The person performing must not know the language.

I felt myself rise in mid air and the last thing I saw was Lucifer's stunned face as I was pulled through the symbols.I involuntary closed my eyes, filling tingles all over my body. I felt myself being carried and I could hear the voice more clearly now, my feet soundly touched the ground.

"I bind thee." I heard a soft voice say and my eyes opened.The first thing I saw was a gorgeous girl looking back at me with a stunned face. I tilted my head to get a better view of her as she began to panick. 

Well what a turn of events.


(Word count : 1028)

Do you guys like his point of view?

Who is this girl? I think you can tell, I mean.... it is very obvious why am I being like this.Also I wanted to give that building 666 floors but that would mean that it would be touching the ozone layer so I will calm down with the floors.


Much love from me, hope you guys are okay and taking care of yourselves.

Deuces ✌

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