Chapter One

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"Im so excited!" My sister, Lisa, yelled from her room. Everyone seems to be so excited, but I have no idea what's going on. My mother came running up the stairs, with an empty suitcase in her hand, rushing to her room. I decided to get out of bed and see what was going on.

"Mom? Why is everyone packing?" I asked. She quickly turned around and smiled sadly at me.

"Aw honey, we're going on vacation." She informed. Why is she just now telling me this?

"And why didn't I know this information already?" I asked.

"Because... you're not going." She whispered and turned back around, packing her suitcase.

"What? I'm not going? This isn't fair! Why the hell not?" I asked angrily. My mother sighed.

"I forgot to get another ticket. Sorry honey. You'll be staying at one of my friends house for two weeks."

"Oh great. Two weeks at an old woman's house. This'll be real fun." I said sarcastically.

"Dave! This isn't very nice. And she has two children that are around your age."

"Mom, I'm sixteen, I'm not a child and neither is the people my age." I snapped. I was so tired of being called a child.

"Fine fine. Just go pack and get ready. We have to leave tomorrow morning at seven."

"Really? I can't just stay here?" I asked.

"No. Now go." She snapped. I sighed before running to my room and slamming the door behind me.



"What?" Me and Kim said at the same time.

"My friends son will be staying here with us for two weeks. Please be kind and behave." My mommy said.

"Mommy, what if he turns out to be a rapist or killer or-"

"Kurt, honey, calm down. He's like sixteen I'm sure he won't be a rapist."

"You never know mommy." I said and pouted at her. She ran her finger through my hair and kissed my head.

"Be good, okay? It's only two weeks. I'm sure you'll be good friends." She assured.

"He probably won't like me." I said as I looked down.

"Why wouldn't he?" She asked.

"Because I'm... you know. Gay."

"Well, if he does anything or says anything to you, let me know, okay?"

I nodded and smiled. "Okay. Thanks mommy."

"Now go clean your room, you'll be sharing with him."

I nodded and skipped up the stairs to my room.

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