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Me Blue and Yellow knew what's we had to do but had no idea HOW to. We tried destabilization but it only sent a shock through me. We also tried to release my physical form but I just hurt afterwards. "Well what now? I can't pull out your gem without cracking it. I don't want to risk that since it could lead to shattering." Yellow paced the room scratching her helmet. "We need to get to White we have no choice" Blue and Yellow chuckled. "Oh silly we haven't been able to speak to White for thousands of years." Blue giggled. "Well maybe I can. Even If it's been thousands of years I'm back now! We can reason with her." Blue and Yellow looked at each other like they were communicating without words. Yellow sighed and said, "We'll I suppose... White will want to see you now that you've returned. She's probably in her head so we must make our way there without drawing to much attention. We left the building and approached Whites head. There were gems crowded everywhere. Busy with their tasks however many got distracted and gazed at the sight of Blue and Yellow in one place. "Well, *gulp* we're here... what now?" Blue stuttered. I turned back to look at them and they were both shivering with a terrified expression. "What do you mean what now? I thought you had a plan! You looked so confident before! What happened to you guys?" They both angrily gasped at me, "We had a plan?! Since when? Your the one who showed up here needing White Diamond all of a sudden! Also take this coloring off, you look ridiculous! I wiped off the purple coloring with my hands. It wasn't very effective so went to blues room and I washed off. I gasped realizing what they were doing, "You guys are stalling aren't you?!" Blue turned to me with her eyebrow raised, "I'm sorry what did you say?" I could feel myself glowing that bright fluorescent pink like before. "ENOUGH" I shouted. I saw the ground crack below me. "I'm so sick and tired of every body trying to stop me or slow me down! I'm going to white whether it's with you or not!" I stomped my way out, the floor shattering beneath each step. "Pink wait!" I couldn't be bothered to turn around at this point . It was too late. I already made my mind. If they wouldn't help me I'd help myself. I dashed towards the door and left. It looked like a completely different place this time. A large screen had the words Pink Diamond is back! Bring her to White. There was a loud siren going off and gems were chattering and dashing around. In the crowd I spotted Chrys. My heart jumped and I ran towards her. While running I heard a different voice call out, "Steven?!" I turned to see who it was. Connie. Our eyes met for a moment and then she disappeared from my field of vision. I hadn't been paying attention to where I was running and I ended up tackling Chrys. "Pink?" Chrys said. "Yes shhhhhh. I need you to boost me up there. I pointed up to Whites head. She nodded at me and we snuck towards the ship. Chrys got on her knee and just before she boosted me up she said, "Don't forget about me." And there I was shooting up towards Whites ship. I slipped into the eye and gazed down at the crowd of gems. Standing still looking at me through the crowd was Connie. None of the gems were with her. She was alone. What was she doing? I crawled through the eyes and entered a dark room. There stood White. "White?" My voice echoed in the dark room she turned her head towards me with a somewhat creepy smile on her face. "Oh starlight welcome back home. Is your tantrum done?" Are you ready to be Pink again? Or should I say Rose?" My heart feel to my feet. How did she know. How could she possibly know? "Oh it's alright starlight I see you fumbling with your words we will get you back in shape very soon. But first we must prepare. I'm so glad you want your power back. Things will be better this time. You can create many colonies and expand our empire! It will be perfect. That silly Earth of yours won't be a problem after this." My brain was running too fast to form a response. "But I-I" A large white platform lifted me up from the ground. "Unfortunately we'll have to do this another time. You should've told me about your dilemma before hand and we could get to it right away." A bubble formed around me and I felt it move around. The walls were let down and I was in a large pink room. This must've been Pinks room. What just happened? How did she know about everything? Who could've told her? I don't know. All I know is I need to rest. "Back to the floor... ugh." Just as I went to lay on the floor a bed appeared in the room. I heard high pitched chatter in the room. I looked under the bed and there were little gems that looked like rocks you'd find on the side of the road. So she kept gems a slaves too? Pink has a lot of fixing to do when she gets back... What happens now? I guess I just need to wait. "Pink? Is it really you?" A small high pitched voice called out from under the bed. "Kinda... well she's a part of me. Her and a human combined I make me."  They we're silent for a moment, "So your a fusion? That's pretty crazy Pink. I've never seen any fusion like that" I wish I was a fusion. That'd make it much easier to get mom to solve her own problems. "No not exactly. You see humans have a... power. They can create life with love. But Pink had to give me her gem to create me." The little gems gasped and whispered to each other. "I'm sorry... that I'm not her." I looked and the ground and a water droplet hit the ground. I was... crying? I didn't think there was any tears left to cry. One of the gems came out and dipped their hands in the tear. "What's wrong? Us pebbles are here to help you Pi- uhmm what's your name?" Pebbles huh? "I'm Steven. It's just... everybody counts on me to be just as great as Pink Diamond. Some of them WANT me to be her... but I'm not! I figured If I came here I could split my human and gem halves. Mom can fix all of her shi- garbage she left behind. That's why I'm here." I felt more tears run down my cheek. "That's why I need White."

Pink Steven AUWhere stories live. Discover now