Belle's POV

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"Cindy I'm like super scared she'll roast us to death! No joke! Walt is gonna kill us!" Belle exclaimed on her blue icrown. I was freaking out, this was the first time I've ever done something horrible. My dad interrupted the call "Belle! Belle! Your on the news! Did you harm that girl?" My dad said scared. "Papa I'm sorry but I have to go!" I said to my dad. I turned my icrown on do not disturb. "Belle may I come in? I'd like to have a talk with you." A familiar voice said. Oh No! My dad told Walt! Or even worse Walt saw the news! "Now one moment Walt I'm taking my pie out of the oven, but please come in and have a seat!" I replied. Walt walked in and he wasn't as happy as he was before. "Here, I made pecan pie would you like a slice?" I said sweetly. I knew the only way out of this was to blame someone else. "Now Belle, I don't mean to frighten you but you have been caught slapping the new daughter of Maleficent Sr." Walt said. "I'm sorry Walt I didn't mean to do this horrible thing! Snow and Cindy told me to!" I said. "Well I don't want to be the bringer of bad news so let's eat this delicious pie you made!" Walt said happier. Walt and I ate our pie and then a call ringed on my phone, it was Ariel "Belle can you bring some pie over, something amazing just happened."Ariel said. "I'm sorry to run out Walt but I gotta go to the grotto." I said. "No it's alright, I gotta go to Disney World to check on some things anyways." Walt said. I gave him a slice for a snack and he left in his car. I cut the pie in half, one half for Ariel and one half for me. "I put on my hood and walked out of my cottage.

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