🚗 obese drivers are about twice as likely to die in a car accident
🚗in the UK, it is required by law for you to report an accident involving a dog, but not a cat.
🚗 Saudi Arabia had the highest motor accident rate.
🚗 three times as many Japanese people die in bathtubs than in car crashes
🚗 if we could extend our lives indefinitely, we'd still die, most likely in an accident at age 1,200.
🚗 In 1996, a 7-year-old girl attempted to become the youngest person to fly across America. 24 hours into her record attempt, the plane went down, killing her, her flight instructor, and her father, well was with her.
🚗 In 1964 a man accidentally drove off the end of the unfinished Pittsburgh bridge, cleared the river, and, 170 air-feet later, landed unharmed on the other side.
🚗 In 1989 an unmanned Russian MiG-23 flew over 560 miles and crashed into a Belgium home killing one tee