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— The way his hair hangs in front of his eyes

—The sunlight reflects off him making the cutie shine

— crazy determined

— Sweet 

— His eyes are a forest i could get lost in any day

— inoccent smile

Kirihima finally finished his list and recounting all the reasons he loves Izuku Midoriya. He had at least a hundred reasons listed. He practiced in the mirror before quitting because he felt Silly. 'I'll just wing it. Today's the day'. Jitters creeped up on him once he started walking towards the smol beans dorm for there supposed study meeting  that izuku asked for of course. Kirishima could never have the guts to talk to one of his crushes especially after the Bakugou incident as his friends call it. The memories of his confession still bring tears to his eyes at times. He felt as if he wasn't manly enough, cool enough, or even smart enough for izuku. He didn't even realize he was at the other boys dorm when the doubt set in. To late. The greenette opened the door with his usual smile. He wore simple grey sweat pants with a white T-shirt and a sheepish grin his hair it's usual green moppy mess. This sight was beautiful to him.

"S-sorry kirishima-kun. I kinda woke up late" he opened the door wider letting kirishima in. The red head took a seat on the bed while the freckled boy got dressed in the bathroom.

"I can come back later if you want. It's no trouble bro" kirishima spoke in his usual chill tone but on the inside the nerves where eating away at him.

"No!" The sudden yell made Kiri jump a bit "I-I mean it would be rude to cancel our plans after you walked all the way over here." Midoriya sped walked out of the bathroom and sat next to his friend.

The two sat there studying and asking for help every now and then from the other. Midoriya would sneak glances at his focused friend and would blush at just the thought of him- or them. Together. 'Why would such a cool guy like a clutz like me?' Midoriya shook the thought out his head and tried focusing on his homework.

"I think any cool guy would be lucky to have You Midoriya" kirishima gave a half smile. 

Midoriya become a flustered mess  he cursed his mumbling habit "Th-that's really n-nice of you to say... But you don't have to flatter me" Midoriya look at his lap still some what flustered.

'Does he really think that low of himself?' kirishima braced himself for what he was about to do. He hesitantly grabbed the smaller boys hand and kissed it giving him a small smile. Midoriya blushed at his kind gesture. 

"Midoriya. You're the most amazing person I've ever met. You can light up a room just by smiling. You're the kindest most sweetest person I've ever met. So please believe me when i say any guy would be lucky to have you" Midoriya let out a shakey breathe he didn't even know he was holding. Then came the water works.

kirishima would've freaked out but everyone in class 1-A and 1-B knew he was a very emotional guy. That's what kinda gave away he was gay. Kirishima smiled and wiped the tears off his cheek. Midoriya have a apologetic smile for his crying.

Midoriya took a deep breath before smashing his lips against kirishimas. Giving him soft chaste kisses that the red head couldn't help but melt into. The smaller boys lips were soft and sweet. Kirishima moved his hands to the smallers waist embracing him. loving him, his every touch and movement.

A faint pink tented Izuku's cheeks when he stopped for air "I-I think you're amazing to kirishima. So manly and sincere."

Kirishima chuckled and put a gentle kiss on the others nose "You sweet cinnamon roll. Would you do me the honor of being my boyfriend"

Midoriya giggles "I would be honored Eijiro"

BNHA one-shot book (mostly kirideku)Where stories live. Discover now