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I woke up the next morning and stretched out my arms with a tired yawn.

I lifted my arms to rub my eyes, but as my hands came into contact with my face I was in pain. 

I looked at my hands in horror, but then suddenly the memories of what had happened the night before flooded back to me.

My eyes widened and I ran to the bathroom to look in the mirror.  I was horrified to see that I had a black eye and bruises on my face and chest.

I sighed and shook my head before picking up the phone and calling Hayley.

"Hello?"  She answered, seeming wide awake even though it was only six A.M.

"Hey Hayley" I said, my voice raspy.
"Can you pick me up?  Zee's still here"

"Of corse Ry" She sounded sad, I couldn't understand why though, cause it happened to me, not her.

~Time skip to 20 minutes later~

As soon as I heard Hayley's car pull into the driveway I started to slowly walk down the hall.

Luckily, I didn't wake Zee up.

The second I got outside I ran to Hayley and hugged her.

"Ryan!" She gasped.  "You're eye!"

"Oh, that.  Don't worry"  I replied as I got into the car.

Hayley sighed and sat down in the driver's seat.

"Ry, you have to do something about this.  Zee's gonna kill you"

"I can't okay?  I don't wanna talk about this"  I snapped back at her, turning my head away.

Hayley bit her lip and shook her head before pushing the gas pedal and driving away.

Sorry about the short chapter today, but loOK AT HOW PRETTY RYRO IS

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