*Emmett's P.O.V*
"... Mcarntny," she says simply. Wait, Mcarntny was my last name, and Ellie's. If vampires could cry there'd be floods. I can't think about her right now so I put my fake smile on. "Nice to meet you Alex," I replie with a smirk.After the teatcher has explained our task which is to to do a painting that represents your partner, I continue thinking about Ellie. She was the most precious person in my world. Her smile. Her attitude and how she'd lay beside me at night. She wasn't like other girls who after you slept with would have left by dawn, she would lay there her head rested on my chest and her legs entangled with mine. God how I loved her.
As the lesson finishes I take a glance at Alex's art work (painting up top) it's a beautiful light pink rose with a grey black background. Wow she's a good artist. Just as the thought races through my head the bell goes signaling second period. I have my next period free so I walk to Jasper's classroom because I know he has a free period as well. As I get there I see Jasper waiting at his close by locker. I walk over and we walk towards the exit to go into the Forrest were we'll hunt. We do this now because Jasper's struggling with his thirst. Usually Edward would come too but he's too busy stalking Bella.
We race throght the trees untill we find the sent of a bear. The intense smell causes Jasper to lunge first sinking his teeth into the wild animal. I soon follow suit sucking the bear dry. I stand from my crouched position and wipe the blood from around my mouth. Before we run back to the school we high five.
I smirk "race you," I say as I begin the speedy race.
Thank you for reading. Vote and comment on if I should do the next chapter in Ellie's POV? Thanks guys bye.

Forgotten Mcarntny
RandomMeet Ellie, little sister to Jasper Whitlock, bestfriend to Rosalie and Alice Cullen, wife to Emmett Mcarntny and mother to Alex Mcarntny. Loved by all her 'family' and thought dead to all. What happens when Ellie and Alex move to Forks for a getawa...