The Taken Darkness

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  • Dedicated to every reader i have xxx

This is my first story forgive me if it is bad please leave a comment on what you think and please fan me more story's like this one to come xx

As i awoke i found myself in a shaded,mouldy room. Frightened to a statue i needn't have tried to stand, soon i realized that my leg was attached to some sort of chain that had rusted onto my leg. I was definitely alone, i knew that. but how long did i have to wait until company arrived or will they ever arrive?

Suddenly my thoughts where distracted by a thunderstorm of footsteps that blasted my ear drums, here was my company. After the stomping had died down i took time to think about who may own those very load  feet then i knew that they could only bring either angry news or bad news. There was no door in the room so i felt safe enough to put my ear up against the freezing, damp wall and eavesdrop on there conversation on the other side of the wall. All i heard was the occasional murmur about some Ellie and her mum. Who was this Ellie and should i know her?

There whispers were like a lullaby drifting me to sleep in a short amount of time. i had another nightmare; the same relentless nightmare i see every time i close my eyes. I would explain to you what goes on but i don't really understand it myself. I tried to drift my thoughts away from my nightmare and think about this Ellie girl they explained her to be in a cell , like me, a chain on her leg so she doesn't escape, again like me, and that she should be expecting someone in a few hours. I clenched my hands into i fist is it true? Am i ... Am i Ellie? My brain started to hurt i then new the answer to my question and i knew the lady they where talking about was my mum and I'm... I felt someone gently slip their hand under mine, whoever it was they seemed to be wearing some sort if leather gloves there is only one person that i remember wore leather gloves MUM! it was her i shifted my body so that i faced her i lept into her arms forgetting about the chain, the rust dug into my ankle so i shot back but she wasnt here before if she was i would have seen her already.

"why are we here?" i asked

"we have been captured by an man worst than evil sweetie we are his Guinea pigs he is testing what scares people the most"

We then both noticed the room fill with smoke and in the middle, where there had been nothing, a man hobbled out.

"HA HA! i warn you now girls  you should be expecting a surprise right about know"In a blink of an eye he vanished and out of the blue came our surprise.

As we peered into the darkness 8 red lights approached us making a sort of clonking noise. I saw a quick glance of a small elf like creature but i couldn't be sure because the smoke was to thick to recognise anything. Then the smoke disappeared and with it my mother! I couldn't think so i wrote on the floor on with a stone.

"Dear death, please don't take my mother into your claw like grip i need her and she needs me she is the only one i have and i don't..." before i could finish my sentence the words "don't worry :)" appeared, the smiley face made me feel like i could trust him.

I fell asleep again but this time no nightmare but a gentle dream, this was odd i cant remember the last time i had a dream. I wasn't asleep for long until i was awoken by the sweet song of a morning bird i opened my eyes to pink cherry blossom. I knew i was stuck in my dream and i had to find my way out.I didn't want to feel safe but this felt like the right place. Should i be happy live my life in a dream or face reality?

It started to turn darker and darker, I all of a sudden didn't feel safe anymore, what had been a peaceful place was know a dark scary place. A rustle in a near by bush made me jump out of my skin the rustle got loader and loader until.

" MUM, but you were taken how are you here?"

"Hush now don't worry your safe here with me..." She didn't sound normal she had an evil essence about her she wasn't the mother i had left behind not at all. I had to wake up and pinching myself wasn't working, maybe this was part of the test i had to find a way out by myself and it wasn't going to be easy. That man had control of my whole mind i had trick him into thinking that i had given up i had to loose, to win. But how? I tried everything running, shouting even hurting myself, the daylight just peeped over the horizon i hadn't slept all night, i sat down and had nap to think about how i could escape this.

As my eyes got used to the light when i woke up i saw a strange manly figure tower over me i grabbed the nearest pointy thing by me and swung it at him, i thought he was the man in that confined room but i was wrong terribly wrong.

"Shh i know you must be scared but listen i promise your safe know with me... daddy" the tears welled up in my eyes he hadn't mentioned anything to mum so i turned to hug her but there was nothing there i thought she must have gone to the toilet or something but she hadn't. She was know where i stood up uneasy on my feet and stumbled to a stone slab that lay on the floor. I didn't want to believe she was gone, but she was - forever.


Ever since mum had died dad treated me better then mum said he would, strange. Mum told me that he was a nasty man and that he would never treat me right but he did and i felt safe by his side, but that changed when i realized that he wasn't my real dad he was something else - something out of this world but i couldn't make to obvious that a knew about him. What was i to do...?

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2012 ⏰

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