A New Job

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A few weeks later, the family was able to buy a house. They moved to a house only a few miles from the one they were staying at. It was a large brown house, with a large backyard. It was also a three story house.

"Hey dad! Could i get a job at the new pizzeria down here." Michael asked, sitting next to William. "Well sure. And, its called Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria now." He said, smiling. The next day, William took Michael to his work. "Hey Scott! What posistions are open for my son?" William asked a tall, blonde man. "Oh, hey William! So your son wants to join the buisness?" Scott asked. William and Michael both nodded. "Ok, we have the early day guard, kitchen staff, and night guard." Scott said, smiling. William nodded and replied. "Well, Michael doesn't wake up before eleven o'clock, and he can't even cook toast." Michael glared at his father after he said that.

Scott broke then tention and said something. "Well i guess we have a new night guard! We just need to know your size, and order you a uniform. Until then you can wear your casuel clothing to work. You will be working with my twin sister, Caroline. And also, the hours are 12 am to 6 am." Michael just stared in shock. 'Great, i get to stay up all night staring at cameras.' He thought. They left the biulding and went home. "Hey Michael, you should get to sleep. Your first shift is tonight." William shouted from the kitchen.

A while later, William walked up the stairs and to Michaels room. "Michael, its 11 pm. You should get ready for work." He said, opening the door. "Ok." Michael said, getting up to get ready. He put on a gray shirt with blue jeans. He walked down, got in the car, and drove to the pizzeria. "Hey Michael!" A girl about his age said, walking up to him. He smiled at her. "You must be Caroline." He said. Caroline nodded with a big smile. "Come on! We better go to the office!" She said .

They both ran to the office. It was a fairly small room. It had a metal fan, and a few plushes on the desk. There were also two large metal doors, along with a small roller chair. A loud bell sound rang across the entire building. "What was that?!" Michael yelled, annoyed at the sound. Caroline laughed a bit at his reaction. "Your funny when your mad." She said, smiling. Michael rolled his eyes, and leaned on the table. Suddenly, and huge chicken apeared at the door. "Ugh. Dad are you seriouslt pranking me on my first day?" Michael said annoyed. The chicken stared at Michael, then clawed at his eye. "Hey! Wait, thats not dad." Michael said, then shut the door.

The rest of the night went by fine. Though Michael didn't have anything to put on his eye. The bell rang again, signaling the end of their shift. "Well, bye Michael. It was fun working with you." Caroline said, walking out of the building. 'Hm, i dont really like her. She didn't even try and help me! And, she kept looking at me smiling. Now i'm stuck with her!' Michael thought, walking out to his car. When he got home, he tried sneeking through the door. But, everyone was already awake. "Hey Michael y- What happened to your eye?!" Clara shouted, running over to him.

She got an eyepatch and put it on him. William sighed and whispered something under his breath. "So, their out for a little revenge. Heh, those brats." Nobody heard him though. Michael ran up to his room, changed, and went to sleep.

"Hey Michael! Get out of bed and take your sister to the park!" Clara yelled from downstiars. "Clara, he needs to sleep. He works all night." William said. Clara sighed, and took Elizabeth to the park.

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