Chapter 2

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I looked at my watch once again, waiting impatiently for the arrow to land on the small 10. My heart beat became louder and louder with every tick of the watch, I felt like it was about to explode. Finally, it was time. I sighed anxiously as I walked towards the casino, changing my expression to a cocky smile in a millisecond as I walked past the main doors.

I had the whole evening planned out, even if nothing significant happened tonight, I had to get Park's attention the first time I came to the casino.

God, why do I feel so stressed out. I need a drink.

I headed confidently towards the bar and asked for a glass of champagne. I had the blueprint of the building memorised, the only thing left to do was pick a strategic table where Park would stop for sure. As I slowly sipped the alcohol, I turned around and scanned the room. Russian roulette is the most popular game here but Park's personal favorite is Poker. There are a total of 135 poker tables but only a small number of them are positioned next to the impressive window wall. Its strategic placement gives you a mesmerizing view of the entire city, lit up in a thousand different colors at night. Those tables are reserved for the casino's regulars, the high-roll clients who spend a lot. Park always visits them once a night, chats for a while, even plays a game sometimes. We made a deal with one of the employees, some cash in exchange for a place at those tables. It worked as always, people will never stop being desperate for money.

I chugged what was left of champagne in my glass and started walking towards the poker tables. I stopped at the normal ones first, I had to play a little, get my mind in the game before I could sit with the regulars.

I was on my second game when someone called out my name. I turned around and ended up face to face with a bartender:

"Mr. Byun, I'm deeply sorry for the wait. I'll accompany you to your table now. All your drinks are on the house for tonight."

- Don't worry about it."

All eyes were on us as we headed towards the regular tables. I couldn't help but smile at how perfectly this worked out. A new regular who was accidentally left playing with normal customers? There would definitely be chatter about this.

I sat down at one of the tables and greeted everyone with a nod, waiting for their game to end. I glanced at my watch and noticed it was already 10:48pm, Park should be here any time soon. My heart beat accelerated at that thought but I couldn't lose my cool, I needed to stay focused.

"Mr. Byun would you like to participate in this game or just watch?

I was suddenly brought back to reality as I realised that everyone was waiting for my answer.

-  What? Oh yes I'll participate, sorry."

I wanted to melt into the ground and never set foot inside this casino ever again. I could feel my cheeks burning up and I just wanted to bang my head on the poker table.

How fucking stupid are you?! I took a deep breath and cleared my mind. Whatever, those clients are useless to you, focus on the game.

My plan was to play badly so that I would lose a lot of money. Hopefully, spending all that cash in such a reckless manner would pick Park's curiosity and get him to approach me. Fortunately for me, losing on purpose was much easier than trying to win. I just had to get the worst cards possible...

Chanyeol's POV:

11pm. I walked through the same corridors as I did every night this week, to greet the same clients as I did every night this week, yet I had a feeling something was different this time. I couldn't shake off this heavy sensation in my chest, as if something bad was about to happen. I was pulled out of my thoughts when I heard someone whispering.

"Hey you over there! What's all this whispering, don't you have some work to do?

- Oh Mr. Park... Excuse us, it's just there's a rumor going around-

The employee stopped talking when the person next to her elbowed her in the ribs, eyeing her with concern.

- A rumor? Goddammit... Just tell me, nobody will lose their job over this okay, I promise.

- Well, apparently a few days ago we registered a new V.I.P client into the database, I think his name was maybe Byun? Anyways, today he came to the casino but nobody recognised him and he played a few games at the normal tables before someone noticed him and got him to the V.I.P corner..."

I sighed heavily and started running towards the Poker room. I couldn't leave this client waiting any longer or I would risk losing him. I just can't have a normal day at work, can I?

As I entered the casino, I was stopped by a bartender who looked very concerned.

Again, really? What the fuck is going on today?

"Mr. Park, I'm sorry to bother you but I think we might have an issue with our V.I.P client.

- I already know about the fact that we placed them at the normal tables, don't worry."

- No, this is something else... That same client, Byun Baekhyun, has been losing all the games since they started playing. The money is adding up to an extreme amount, I'm worried we'll have problems with the payment.

- I'll handle it, don't worry and just get back to work."

A new V.I.P client spending like they don't have a care in the world? Either they're crazy rich or just crazy...

I sighed and pinched the bridge of my nose, I did not want to deal with another entitled old fucker tonight. I quickly headed towards the back of the room and sat down at one of the computers, looking for his name in the database. My heart skipped a beat when his picture came up on the screen. Damn, was the first thing I thought as I chuckled slightly.

This night is gonna be a lot more fun than I thought...

1060 words


heyy reader, thanks for clicking on this story! i hope you're just as excited as i am about this chapter. you probably hate me right now for leaving you on such a cliffhanger but i couldn't help myself, it's one of my guilty pleasures as an author haha.

just want to add a little precision, the 135 poker tables might sound excessive but I actually did some research because i wanted this to be accurate, and The Bicycle Hotel & Casino in LA has that many!

i hope you liked the song i added with this chapter, let me know if i should keep doing that. don't forget to comment and vote, i love seeing your reactions.

see you next week for chapter 3 <3

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