Part 1

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Ocean POV12am"You know I love you sis, but your brother is gonna make me beat his ass

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Ocean POV
"You know I love you sis, but your brother is gonna make me beat his ass." Kaavia said while entering the guest house, which was turned into my personal living space on my 18th birthday. "Look, he got me so mad that it delayed me wishing my best friend a happy 21st birthday, Happy Birthday Bitch!"
"Thanks sis." I said while engulfing her in a big hug. It was then that I noticed she had more than just her normal overnight bag. The multiple shopping bags, the large gold balloons that announced my age, and the mini cake with 21 candles waiting to be lit almost brought tears to my eyes. "Kaav! You know you didn't have to do this." I said hugging her again after she placed everything down.
"I know, but my little sis deserves it." She pulled back from the hug and looked me in my eyes. "Especially today." I nodded understanding what she meant. Kaavia is the only one who knows my plan to find my birth mother. "Anyways let's get to the good stuff, where do you want to start?" Kaavia said as we moved down the hall to my study room.
"Honestly I have no idea" I said taking a seat in front of my IMAC. Kaavia pulled up a chair. "I have the name of the hospital I was born at ." I said shifting through some paperwork that I'd been gathering for the last couple months. "Oh and the adoption agency along with the agent that handled my adoption."
"That's great Ocean! I thought we'd be starting from ground zero, but that's something!" Kaavia exclaimed.
"What's something?" Ryan asked scaring the shit out of us.
"Ahhhhh!!!" Me and Kaavia screamed
"See! This is the shit I'm talking about right here." Kaavia said mean mugging Ryan.
"And see, that language is just one on a long list of reason why no one in the family likes your little friend here." Ryan said taking a seat on the sofa that sat off to the side in the room. Instantly Kaavias demeanor changed. No matter how many times she denied caring, I knew that it bothered her that my family had an issue with our friendship.
"Aye, that's not cool Ryan!" I said taking up for my friend. "First. I'm honestly sick of the bullshit, Kaavia has not done anything to any of you. It honestly pisses me off how you guys treat her. Second. She's my best friend & she's not going anywhere so you all just need to get over it. & third. If you came in here to be an asswhole, then please leave." Ryan just looked at me shocked. I don't curse around my family so hearing those words come out of my mouth took him off guard.
"I'm sorry O, I honestly didn't want to make you feel uncomfortable. Especially not on your birthday." He then turned to Kaavia. "Umm Kaavia I apolog-." Kaavia interrupted him "look if it's not real I don't want it."
"It's real, I promise. I'm a total jerk and I'm incredibly sorry." Ryan said sincerely. Kaavia held eye contact which I knew made Ryan uncomfortable. I giggled but coughed to try and cover my amusement, it didn't work. Ryan broke eye contact first causing Kaavia to smirk "Anyways, now that we are past that. What are you two up to?" Ryan asked getting up from the couch to make his way over to us.
"Nothing!" We both yelled, using our arms to cover the documents that were laid out on my desk. What we didn't realize was that my computer was going to tell on me. I forgot that I had also brought up an information map that I had created on my IMAC.
"Nice try Tweedle Dee & Tweedle Dumb, but why are you researching the details of your adoption?" Ryan said
And at that moment, before I even really got started I knew I was about to approach the most difficult part of my mission. Telling my family.
"I- ummm. Look-. We are just umm." I stumbled trying to find the words.
"Spit it out!" Ryan exclaimed getting slightly angry.
"Hey! No need to yell." Kaavia said trying to defuse the situation.
"This has nothing to do with you." Ryan dismissed Kaavia. "Look Ocean, you have 5 seconds to explain what's going on or I'm heading to the main house to wake up mother and father. They will get to the bottom of this. Ryan held up five fingers dropping one as ever second passed. I was frozen and the words didn't come in time to beat his last finger. "Fine." Ryan said shaking his head and taking his exit.
"Want me to run and put these documents in my car before they get down here?" Kaavia asked looking at me with sympathy.
"No." I shook my head slightly. "I was gonna have to tell them sooner or later... right?" What started as a definite statement ended as a question.
"Right! You'll be good, I'm right here sis." Kaavia said trying to reassure me. It kind of worked.

15 minutes later we heard my front door open then shut, and the sound of multiple foot steps coming closer and closer. My stomach was in knots, Kaavia reach over and gave my hand a squeeze. My father entered the room first wearing his LV robe over his night clothes, the rest of the Brentwood clan followed. I was surprised to see my older sister coming in right after my mother, who wore a robe to match her husbands. Then the rat himself entered last. I couldn't help by roll my eyes at the sight of him.
"Is there something you need to tell us Ocean?" My father questioned.
I glanced at Kaavia before turning back to my family to explain what was going on, but before before I could start I heard my sister question . "Why is she here?" "This is obviously a family matter, maybe you should leave." Melanie said looking directly at Kaavia.
"Ocean asked me to be here, so I'm here. Oh yeah, and I'll be here until my good sis asks me to leave. Dose that answer all you questions, love?" Kaavia said with a smirk so sweet it dripped sarcasm. Melanie rolled her eyes.
"That's enough ladies we are here to find out why Ryan woke us up at 3am. Ocean, what's going on?" My mother asked kneeling in front of me holding my hands in her own. Looking into her bright blue eyes, I felt kind of bad. I shouldn't feel this way though, I have a right to know....and so do they.
"Please don't be mad at me." "W-" my mother started but I cut her off. "No, let me finish." I glanced around the room looking everyone in the eye, leaving Kaavia for last. She gave a me a small smile. I took a deep breath before squeezing my eyes shut and blurting out. "I'm searching for my birth mother." I heard a collective gasp and felt my mother's hands leave mine. As I opened my eyes I felt tears leave my eyes, I didn't even know they were there.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2020 ⏰

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