Chapter One

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Author Pov

Yn was sleeping peacefully when the sound of her mother's voice awakened her. She frustratedly got up and walked downstairs not understanding why her afternoon nap was ruined. When her foot touched the last step she looked at her family weirdly because they had never all been together like this. She walked on down into the living room where her oldest brother pulled her beside him and her mother smiled before saying,

"Okay children I know you're all wondering why we called you here. So I'll get straight to the point. Your father and I have to leave for three months. While we are gone Jin will be in charge and Yn, we find it best that you transfer schools for now."

"Mom, I don't want to change schools! I don't want to start over again plus I like my school." Yn protested but her father brought silence to the room once he cleared his throat.

"This isn't up for negotiation Yn! You will do as we say. Whether you want to or not. It will be beneficial if you change schools." Her father said sternly.

With tears in her eyes she stood up and rushed to her room leaving her brothers feeling weary. They knew she didn't want this but they also knew their parents were serious about this. NamJoon cleared his throat before saying,

"I'll go talk to her dad. This is just a big adjustment for her."

Their father sighed knowing he was right but he couldn't let her have her way this time. He granted NamJoon permission to go and NamJoon wasted no time. When he entered Yn's room he saw her small body curled up in a knot crying. He walked over to her and hugged her tightly allowing her to cry away her emotions.

"Joonie, Why are they always mean to me? I don't want to change schools again. I'm tired of starting over. It's always the same thing over and over again." Yn protested as NamJoon wiped away her tears.

"It's not completely starting over, Smiley. Look at it this way, you will have Taehyung and me there with you on the first day. Jin will be around a lot more and you always wanted to see him more. Plus you always make friends fast so stop crying." NamJoon replied in a soothing tone.

Yn nodded her head knowing NamJoon was right. They would protect her and at least she wouldn't be alone. She would have her twin brother Taehyung with her. She paused when she heard her door creaking. Her eyes fell upon Taehyung making a silly face and just like always her laughter filled the room relieving her brothers' fear.

"Finally, people will believe me when I say I have a twin sister. The best part of all of this is we will spend every class period together." Taehyung said, causing her to laugh again.

The door to her room opened once more and she looked up and saw Jin standing there. He smiled before saying,

"Mom and dad are about to leave. You all need to come see them off."

He chuckled as they all groaned and whispered under their breaths. When they made it downstairs their parents smiled before hugging them. Their dad gave Jin the keys to the vehicle and went over the rules again before leaving out.

Once they were gone, Taehyung and NamJoon smiled before turning to Yn and saying,

"My friends are coming over today so you need to stay in your room, Yn."

"Can I at least meet them before I'm casted away?" She asked.

NamJoon pondered for a minute before finally agreeing to her request. He feared the thought of it but he knew that as long as he was there no one would hurt her. Everything was going to be perfect.

Yn Pov

I was sitting in the living room talking with my brothers when the doorbell rang. NamJoon ran to the door and greeted four guys. They entered the living room and all of them stared at me and then Taehyung.

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