Chapter Five

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Author POV

Class was about to start, when the teacher walked in informing Yn that the principal needed to see her. Yn nodded her head and nervously walked out of the room wondering why the principal wanted her. She was heading down the hall when someone jerked her into the room.

Y/n's eyes prevailed with nothing but fear as Yoongi's eyes showed nothing but lust. She tried wiggling out of his grip but it became hard as he leaned in closer, pressing her closer to the wall.

"Y-Yoongi please." Yn cried out.

"Why can't you be close to me?" He asked.

"Because I don't know you like that, please let me go." She begged.

Yoongi chuckled before leaning in to her kiss but she caught him by surprise when she kneed him. He fell to the ground and Yn ran out the room bumping straight into NamJoon who looked worried and displeased with the way her shirt was.

"What's wrong?" He asked


Yn couldn't finish her sentence because NamJoon entered the room. Yoongi gulped knowing that he had started a fire he couldn't put out.

"Go ahead and punch me." Yoongi said boldly.

"Why won't you both leave her alone?" Namjoon questioned angrily.

"It's fun Namjoon." Yoongi replied.

NamJoon chuckled lightly before punching Yoongi in the bridge of his nose. Yoongi sighed knowing that it was coming. He wiped the blood from his nose before saying,

"You know NamJoon, for me scaring her was enough but Jimin isn't going to just scare her away. He's going to lure her in slowly and then it's all over." Yoongi said.

"I know this Yoongi." Namjoon replied angrily while rubbing his temple.

"I know Joon but listen to me, it's not just Jimin you need to worry about, Jungkook isn't as innocent as he seems. He played my little sister and left her heartbroken." Yoongi explained.

"Damn, I wish my parents had never moved her here." Namjoon sighed in defeat.

"Protect her Joon, I'll do my part and help but you have to protect her." Yoongi said before leaving.

Namjoon sat there frustrated but yet his thoughts kept racing in an attempt to save his sister from them. Jimin was his main focus at this moment but Yn couldn't recognize the danger she was in and this scared him even more. He knew that if he pulled her away from Jimin then she would hate him but she would hate him even more if he let her got hurt. His only wish was for Jimin to sabotage their new friendship. Namjoon returned to class and waited for lunch to talk to Jimin. He called him to the side and chuckled lightly before saying,

"Stay away from my sister Jimin. You can't have her, no better yet you are unworthy of her and she will never be your girl."

Jimin looked at him with a hint of hurt in his eyes but he walked away knowing NamJoon was mad. He felt his pride leave when he saw Yn laughing and talking with Jungkook. He avoided them and went another way trying to clear his head of the hurtful words that left his once best friend's mouth. Yn entered the cafeteria and went over to the table in search of Jimin. It surprised her that he wasn't there but her feelings were a little bit hurt when he didn't meet her by her locker as he promised too. She kept looking around, blocking out the circling conversations around her until she saw him approaching the table.

"What's wrong Jimin?" Hoseok asked.

"You didn't get the proper blowjob again?" Yoongi asked as they laughed.

Yn made eye contact with Jimin but he looked away before rushing out the place. Yn stood up to follow him but Namjoon touched her arm only for her to jerk away. She ran straight behind Jimin with nothing but worry in her heart.

"Jimin" She called out, causing him to stop.

"Go back inside Yn." He replied coldly.

"No, they were wrong for saying that. Come back inside and eat." She said as she tried to catch her breath.

"No Yn they were right. I don't have feelings for you. I only want to fuck you." He replied coldly.

"J-Jimin." She stuttered.

"I don't want a girlfriend Yn, I just like sex." He replied coldly.

"Jerk" She said coldly before walking away.

Jimin stood there upset with himself but he knew there was nothing he could do. NamJoon had made it clear on how he felt and he would never be able to get close to her again. He would never be enough for her even if he wanted too and he knew it.

Yn walked back into the building slowly only to jump when she felt arms on her shoulders. She looked up and flinched a bit when she saw Yoongi there.

"No, don't be afraid I'm not going to hurt you." He said calmly.

"Just move please." She said.

"I heard it all Yn, and I'm sorry. I don't want anything from you but I'm here if you need me." He said softly.

"I-I thought we were cool." She replied with tears rolling down her cheeks.

"Shh, Jimin is just being an asshole. Don't take it personally." Yoongi said softly.

"I hate him. I hate him." She whispered as she walked away.

Yoongi stood there watching her walk away in a daze. He knew it was about to get ugly and very fast. Jimin had never committed to anyone and knowing that Yn was changing him in a way scared Yoongi. He sighed knowing that two things could happen and he hoped for the best of the two things to happen otherwise both of their lives would never be the same. 

The day proceeded on and Yoongi couldn't help but stare at Yn's confused state. He watched her walk around like a zombie and no one even noticed. It was the end of the day and she was still in a daze, Yoongi walked up behind her and covered her eyes.

"Hey, stop it." Yn stated.

"No, not until you smile again." Yoongi said.

"I don't feel like smiling Yoongi. Why are you even being nice to me?" She asked.

"Because scaring you really bothered me. I might be a player but I'm not a rapist or anything. I was just trying to see if you were really playing hard to get or if you were...."

"Or if I was acting innocent?" She questioned.

"Maybe." Yoongi replied as he looked down.

"Yoongi, I don't just throw my body around." She replied.

"I see that and I want to apologize for making a bet on you and trying to take advantage of you." Yoongi sadly said.

"It's fine, just don't turn on me or try anything else." Yn replied.

Yoongi nodded with a small smile on his face that grew a little bigger when Yn smiled back. He looked away knowing that her cuteness was making his heart feel things. 

"Can I walk you home? I don't think you want to be alone." Yoongi asked

Yn nodded her head and they walked together in silence. It wasn't an weird silence was more so of a healing silence. Once they reached Yn's house, she turned to him and said,

"Thank you, I really needed that. It helped me from thinking so much." 

"I'm always here no matter what." Yoongi replied before walking away.

Yn smiled hoping that this friendship wouldn't end like Jimin and hers had did. She sighed thinking about it but what did she expect. He had made his intention known from the beginning and she was crazy to think he would change over night.



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