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I move and groan, man my head hurts, what happened, I look and see Damon chained up to a chair with a poker in his chest, he himself is just waking up "Oh, you gotta be kidding me" he says in pain. "Damon what happened to you?" I say he then snaps his head up looking at me, worry over his face "Rowan? Are you okay?" I shake my head no, "My head just hurts, what happened?" I say rubbing my head to ease the pain. "Oh Stefan" Damon says in pain.

Damon looks at the floor and I follow his gaze and see his daylight ring on the ground, "Low blow. Low blow, hurting me? But Rowan? Aren't you supposed to be watching her?" Stefan stands there laughing at Damon, but looking at me he was slight worry, but doesn't let it show. "What the hell happened to you" Stefan says still laughing, Damon says with anger in his tone "Whatever twisted ripper game this is.... leave me out of it, and especially Rowan, she's not supernatural, she hits her head too hard, she could die"

Stefan continues to laugh and walks over to Damon "I didn't do this" Damon obviously not believing it says "Quit screwing around" Stefan walks over to Damon and says "I didn't" he inspects whatever happened to Damon and says "That's pretty messed up, isn't it?" Damon replies back to him "Yep" before ripping the poker out, causing Damon to let out a scream, that must be painful, and Stefan rips the chains that are holding his hands down.

He then walks over to me, "Hey Rowan you okay?" as he says that Damon says "Yeah. Not to worry. I'll just untangle myself" I roll my eyes at Stefan and reply to him "Like you care" he smiles, and says to me "You're right I don't. But Klaus compelled me to watch you, so again are you okay" I shake my head no, "My head hurts, but that's about it" Stefan bites into his wrist and puts it to my mouth, vampire blood heals, right. He then takes it out, and smiles sarcastically may I add, and walks off again, "Thanks" I yell at him.

Once Stefan is gone, the curtains open and the sun shines on Damon causing him to burn since he doesn't have his daylight ring on, "What's happening" I yell, Damon yells "I'm not 100% sure but I have a good idea"


Damon drives us into town where they're setting up for a Founder's thing. He pulls up next to Bonnie and Caroline. He isn't looking to pleased at them, "Greetings, blondie, witchy. I think you got your voodoo wires crossed when you got rid of Vicki Donovan" Damon says glaring at Bonnie. She looks confused and says "What do you mean? Why?" I don't even know who this guy is who tortured Damon, "Well because according to Damon he got split roasted by Mason Lockwood's ghost, and the asshole knocked me out since I was there" Damon nods, "What little T said"

Caroline goes wide eyed and looks at me, and says in frantic "What!? Oh my God. Are you okay??" I nod "Stefan gave me some blood, Damon thought it was Stefan, but it was this Mason guy, who I'm guessing is related to Tyler" Bonnie looks at Damon and asks "Why would you think it's Mason Lockwood" I laugh at this, even though it wasn't funny, but karma is bitch, Damon ignores me laughing and looks at Bonnie and Caroline "Maybe because he chained me to a chair, and shoved a hot poker in my chest" He shrugs his shoulders, meanwhile Bonnie and Caroline share questioning looks "Let's say karma is a bitch and he's having déjà vu" I laugh.

Caroline looks at Bonnie and asks her "I thought you said ghosts couldn't physically interact with people" Bonnie says frantically "They can't" Damon, obviously getting mad says "Yeah well I don't have time for a vengeful Lockwood. When I kill someone, they're supposed to stay dead" He says looking at Caroline and Bonnie, but mostly Bonnie, then he adds "Whatever you screwed up, fix it" I then added "He meant, fix it please" He then drives off away from them, and off towards the Grill.


We walk in and see Ric and Elena, Elena smiles at me but then a confused look comes on her face, I guess she never saw the Rowan Damon duo. Ric walks one way and Elena walks the other way, we walk towards Ric, who immediately gets an annoyed look on his face, "You know I've had enough vampires today, thanks" I look offended, and say "Hey I'm not a vampire" Ric looks at me, "You're fine Rowan, your sidekick isn't"

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