Chapter 1: Me? Caught? Never.

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—Chapter Start—

Rough clicking against a keyboard, attached to an illuminating light, glinting against a pale face. Sunshine freckles and green hair that spread itself all over their face, dull green eyes, overshadowed by glasses and hair, a hoodie pulled half heartedly over their head, as they continued to clack away at the small computer in front of him.

Feathers strewn across the room, green and and blue and slight shades of purple coated the feathers in beautiful colors. Books stacked not nearly as neat as they should've been. They were titled in a peculiar manner, black permanent marker written in ugly handwriting, illegible almost to the blind eye. Slurred in peculiar shapes and sizes with dots and swerves that were gentle and sharp all the same. Some were smudged but what could you get out of a notebook with plastic coverage other than ugly smudges and black fingerprints. 

His ears shuffled, pointed and coated in ear jewelry that jingled with every twist and turn of his head.

His green eyes calculated as he twisted under the weight of his own jacket. His thoughts ran rampant in his mind as he tried to process the green and blue lines that ran across the black screen, glinting in his glasses in the dark.

He scowled, softly, his eyes sharper than any blade. He scrunched his nose in protest as red popped up onto his screen. Bright and vibrant in all its glory.

"Stupid Chui, always upgrading the security system.." In spite of himself he skillfully placed multiple bugs on his way out of the system, still a little bit salty, of course, he could hack into the police files with no hesitation, but right now he was the least bit ready to deal with the time that would take along with the dust the current room he was in had accumulated.

It was disgusting and his slight allergy would have tears pouring out of his eyes, a stuffy nose, and, on occasion sneezes, he didn't need to deal with that right now.

Squinting, he carefully exited out of the police files, encryptions and silky smooth writing letting him know he was protected and that his back door had been successfully closed and hidden from no one other than himself.

Smirking he yawned, ruffling his own hair as if in self accommodation as he sighed and closed the computer. Stretching his back popped in several places as he winced and rubbed his shoulder.

Spinning around a small lump at the top of his hoodie made itself known as it came into view with slanted green eyes. "Setsuna~," A medium sized cat, black brown and white with discolored eyes always seemed to find themselves planted in the greenette's hoodie. "You silly kitty, what are you doing in my hood,". The cat stared, beautifully miss matched blue and brown staring into wonderfully toxic green, a curious glint in them as the two seemed to have a mini staring contest, daring the other to look away or blink.

A knock at the door broke the two out of the game. A loud but low unperturbed voice sounded through it "Izuku-san, Tomura Shigaraki would like to see you, I advise the cat stay out of sight, or grasp, of him." The voice seemed to hesitate before clearing his throat.

Izuku glared at the barely held together door, its hinges not connected properly, the green haired male predicted that they come off in at least a week before they had to get replaced which probably wouldn't ever happen as Tomura, a blue haired man with the patience of a five year old, would disintegrate it in one of his tantrums if not the entire shabby little run down bar that the occasional villain visits, Izuku was only here because he needed a place of refuge after running away from his problems.

Clearing his throat,—it's plausible he wanted to state his annoyance despite subtly—his cat seemed to snicker quietly, he sighed "I-I'm coming Kuro-chan~!"—he cursed himself for his stutter.

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