Chapter 44

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I had to wake up mad early so I can do this interview thing with mosey and I was so tired like this wasn't it y'all but people was telling us to like not go to this interview like Trippie even said I shouldn't and so did my dad I don't know why but we was still going I don't care mosey was still sleep and I got up and went to the bathroom and took a shower and washed my hair you know that hygiene stuff but I put this on when I was done

It was basic but I didn't really care like that but I put my hair in a slick back ponytail and walked out the bathroom and I was gonna do make makeup in here so mosey could get ready and he was up now and he looked at me for a second then walked i...

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It was basic but I didn't really care like that but I put my hair in a slick back ponytail and walked out the bathroom and I was gonna do make makeup in here so mosey could get ready and he was up now and he looked at me for a second then walked in the bathroom and I sat on the floor and started doing my makeup real quick so I didn't look to bad ya know and I finished up and put my chapstick on then some concealer and I got up and looked in the mirror and I was two months pregnant now you can't really see nothing so you know I was enjoying wearing all my good clothes while I can but after this interview I was gonna go to this appointment with mosey and speaking of mosey he was ready and I got my phone and we walked downstairs and Rari ran up to us and I picked him up
Me:we gonna be right back
I smiled a little and he licked my face and I put him down after that and me and mosey wen out and got in his car and he drove
We got there and got out and he grabbed my hand and we walked upstairs and it was still pretty early like we wasn't even talking to each other but you know we was interacting kinda cause we was holding hands but we walked inside the room and there was like the camera crew and then you know the interviews and we sat down and talked to them for a little and then started the interview
Elijah:alright y'all we got Elijah back her with Mia and today we got Lil mosey and Makayla
And I smiled a little
Mia:Mmk lets get to talking and the interview and stuff that sound good to y'all
Elijah:y'all tired y'all just woke up
Me:yea kinda
Mia:Yea y'all look a little tired
Elijah:alright so Makayla you just came out with a song you got anything else coming out for us
Me:yea pretty soon probably
Mia:do you think you and mosey will make a song together
Mosey:Yea for sure
Elijah:you guys be helping each other with like songs and stuff
Me:I mean not really cause I only got one song out at right now but maybe later when I understand it more we probably will
Mia:alright alright y'all are both pretty young so you guys still doing school
Me:I mean I do still but I don't do it a lot
Mosey:I used to but I stopped a couple months ago
Elijah:if you stop you not gonna be able to graduate and get that diploma
Mosey:I'll probably do some classes later like when I'm not to busy
Mia:alright when y'all come back y'all both better come with that diploma
Me:alright I got you
Mia:Makayla when you do your school stuff does mosey remind you to do it
Me:um yea but that's only if my mom texts him to tell me to do it cause I probably won't see that she text me or something
Elijah:oh alright so do y'all live together
Mosey:no not really she not really gonna move in until we move into the new house but she's always at my house with everyone else
Mia:oh alright your parents know about this Makayla
Me:yea I asked them like a couple months ago and they said I could
Elijah:alright lets talk about y'all style do you guys have the same sorts style
Mosey:kinda but she just don't wear the chains and stuff but I mean our styles kinda the same
Mia:Makayla What your necklaces say
Me:oh it's his name
Elijah:Mosey why you don't gotta chain with her name
Me:yea why don't you
I looked at him and he laughed a little
Mosey:I'll probably get one soon
Mia:since y'all got the same sorta style you guys he helping each other pick out outfits
Me:yea sometimes
Mia:so some rappers got face tattoos would you get one mosey
Mosey:No and Malayla wouldn't let me either
I nodded smiling a little
Mia:Mmk I gotta question that I think everyone wanna know
Mia:how did you guys meet
Mosey:we was at the studio and I was bout to leave and she was going to the bathroom or something and we said hey to eachother and then I waited for her to come back and got her number cause she was looking pretty good so you know I had to tap in with it and then she came over later that day
Elijah:Makayla your parents like him
Me:yea a lot
Elijah:your parents like her mosey
Mosey:yea her and my mom be texting and sometimes
Mia:Makayla how you fell about the girls in Moseys music videos
Me:I don't really care like that he know who's he with and who he belongs to
Mosey:Yea same with her and there be a lot of niggas in her dms tryna tap in with her
Mia:see mosey knows y'all be in his girls dms
Elijah:how y'all deal with the hate y'all get
Me:I don't really look at my comments and dms all the time so I don't really notice it
Mosey:Yea I don't look at my comments at all and if you in there hating it just cause you jealous that we have something y'all don't but that's not really hurting us
Mia:What made you drop that song Makayla
Me:well everyone was telling me to and I didn't really want to but mosey made me
Mosey:Yea she didn't even wanna do music at first and she got a couple of songs and they fire too and I had to convince her to drop them
Elijah:oh alright y'all kinda young so ima guess y'all don't got no kids or nothing right
Me and mosey looked at each other for a second
Mia:Wait What was that look
Elijah:y'all gotta kid
Mosey:not really I mean we gotta dog so I mean he's our kid
Elijah:you gonna have a kid soon
Mosey laughed a little and looked kinda confused
Elijah:Nah im just playin witchu
Mia:y'all be doing y'all little thing huh
I laughed and mosey was kinda smiling
Mia:that's a yes
Mosey:uh I don't know what y'all talking bout
Elijah:alright but you be keeping it wrapped though right
I looked over at mosey and titled my head a little
Elijah:she giving you that look
and Mosey looked at me and back at Elijah
Mosey:Yea sum like that
Mia:Mmk online I be seeing so people saying y'all mean but it don't seem like y'all are to me
Me:we aren't mean like if you think we are you probably did something that made us mad or something
Elijah:so like them fight videos of y'all
Mosey:Yea how y'all know bout them
Mia:the videos we saw
Elijah:Yea y'all wanna say what happened
I looked at mosey and he looked over at me and we both said no at the same time and I smiled a little
Mia:ok that's fine it's not everyone need to know
I nodded a little and looked at the time on my phone and I showed mosey and he nodded a little
Mia:anyways mosey have you settled down
Mosey:yea she my wife
Elijah:you ain't want no girl that just looked a little badder you wouldn't change her for no one
Mosey:fuck you talking bout she the baddest she got the same vibe as me she a whole me just as a girl
Mia:and you wouldn't pick no one else Makayla
Elijah:you ain't using her or nothing right cause you know her dad is juice wrld and she be tagging you in a lot of stuff
Mosey:Nah that don't make since for me to use her
Me:yea I just be tagging him cause I want to
I shrugged a little and mosey started holding my hand again
Mia:Yea I don't think he would use her they to good for that
Elijah:alright well that's all we had to ask y'all today but y'all gonna come back with them diplomas right
Me:yea most likely
We finished and me and mosey got up and said bye to them and we walked back down the steps and mosey was walking mad fast and I grabbed his hand
Me:why you walking so fast you good you valid
Mosey:Yea im good foolie
Me:uh uh don't call me that
He laughed a little and I shook my head cause he be calling me that a little to much but we got in the car and I gave him the address to the hospital we was going to and he looked happy about this cause he didn't go to the last one but he going to this one now
We got there and got out and we had to get in the elevator and we went up there and I had to sign in and then we had to wait and we was sitting on our phones and this probably the first time I've actually Been on my phone and actually checked everything today but I did that but they called my name after a little and I got up and grabbed Moseys hand and we walked to the back with the doctor and the room was dark kinda like last time and I sat down and mosey sat on the chair next to me
Doctor:Hi Makayla
Doctor:how you feeling today
Me:good what about you
Doctor:good I see you brought your boyfriend with you today
The doctor talked to Mosey a little and got the stuff ready as he did and mosey was watching and I had to pull my shirt up so she could put the gel on my stomach then got the little scanner thing and went around my stomach and mosey was looking at the TV where you could see the baby
Doctor:alright you can see your baby on the side over here and it's moving a little
Mosey:Yea so when we find out the gender
Doctor:in about two months
She told us how the baby was doing and it was doing pretty good she said so that was good and she finished then wiped the gel off my stomach and stuff and I sat up and fixed my shirt and I made an appointment for next time
Doctor:alright that's all for today so I'll see you guys next time
Me:alright bye
Me and mosey walked out and walked back to his car
Mosey:so you think it's gonna be a boy our a girl
Me:mmm I don't know what do you want it to be
Mosey:I'm fine with either
I nodded and we got in the car and he started driving home and it was only like 12pm but I was still tired and my dad texted me and asked how the interview went and I talked to him about that for a little but me and mosey got home and went inside and everyone was up and Rari came to the door and I picked him up
Me:told you we was coming back
Sauve:so Howd it go
Me:it was good I guess
He shrugged and I went to the kitchen and ate some chips and then I went upstairs and Hayden was standing in front of me and I tried to go on the side of him but he moved in front of me
Me:if you don't move ima really fight you
Hayden:someone in a bad mood
I shook my head and he moved over and I went to Moseys room and put some shorts on and then laid down with Rari and he laid himself on my stomach and I watched some videos on my explore page and mosey came in and laid next to me and Rari looked at him and then moved off me and laid in between us and mosey moved him and then wrapped his arm around me and I put my phone down and moved closer to him and Rari got himself in between us again and I pet him for a little and then I fell asleep

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