2: Roller Skates

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The alarm started wailing loudly. Reaching for it seemed impossible. Rolling off to my left, turning it off. My mind was in peace. Able to sleep in comfort. Wanting to rest a little more

Little did she know it was time for an important day to start. In her part, sleeping is all she cared about



A loud ringing was heard through the room. Silencing the alarm is what I did. It was still audiable to my ears. The emotion of irritation was felt. Eyes were opening slowly, sitting up looking at my surroundings. Realizing it was my phone. I grabbed it, seeing the caller I.D was quite shocking. Pressing answer with a quick swipe "Yah! It is too early. We will go to the arcade later."

"LEE DAEIN, YOU ARE ALREADY LATE FOR CLASS!! GET YOUR ASS UP AND SHOWER!!" Mark shouted out his lungs trying to wake up the heavy sleeper who was supposed to be in school at the moment 

"Late? Class? Stop joking with me."

"IT IS YOUR FIRST DAY IN SEOUL'S INTERNATIONAL HIGHSCHOOL!!" He screamed from the phone. He seems mad and irritated at the fact Daein had not gotten a hold of her situation

"Highschool?" Then it hit me. My first day at that new highschool starts today!

" I AM LATE!!" I shouted to myself while throwing my phone on the bed

Running to the bathroom grabbing my hanged uniform also the other nessesities. I quickly turned on the shower also grabbing my toothbrush with toothpaste. While washing my hair with left hand. Using my right to brush my teeth. After some minutes, got out. Drying my hands then plugging the hair dryer. Turning it on the hottest setting. I grabbed my t-shirt then my buttoned uniform. Wearing the shirt first then the uniform, it was supposed to be buttoned but I was in a rush. Guessing it will be acceptable since I had a grey shirt in it. Getting my cycling shorts then my skirt. After, I ran out of the bathroom. Looking for socks. Spotted socks, I got them and wore it. I noticed the left sock was black the other was white. Shrugged it off and pulling my socks to reach my thighs. Going back to the bathroom, I fetched the hair dryer. Starting to dry my hair.

"Ah! Hot! Hot!" I complained almost dropping the dryer

Putting down the dryer. I went out and opened the drawer to get a hair tie. Seeing the bag not fixed yet I slide myself to the corner. Packing my rubber shoes and school things. I swung the cabinet open. Searching through the selves. I saw the box of roller skates. Jumping to get it. My hand touched it. The box fell on me but nothing mattered also long as I get to school. I was almost finished, getting my ID from the table. Running to the door and putting on my roller skates. Getting up, I skated from the house to the bus stop. Still had my hoodie on my hand, wrapping it around my waist securely. I got to the bus stop and there I waited

"So bushed up already." I said to myself while panting while holding the post

"What is the matter young lady?" A granny asked me with concern in her eyes. She was fixing her dress and bag when she was finished she sat upright

" I am late for school. If the bus doesn't come. My life will end."
I manage to say between my panting. My hand held the bench for support as I slowly position myself to sit down giving a small space between me and granny

"Hmmm it's alright. Let's wait together." She offered a seat for me. She got her crochet and started continuing what looks like a scarf "Thank you ma'am!" I said as I sat down



The bus arrived, I hopped on the bus. Scanning my bus card, putting it back in my bag

"Hey granny! I see a seat! If you-" I turned around on the bench area. She was gone?

The bus started to move so I got the bus handle "SEOUL INTERNATIONAL HIGHSCOOL!" The driver said stopping abruptly to the bus area near the school's entrance

This is my stop, I went through the people and got down. As I got down my ID got stuck into the doors of the bus, it started moving

"MR. DRIVER!! MY ID IS STUCK!!" I shouted while aggressivly banging on the door to get at least get the driver to stop.

e didn't pay attention. His eyes were patched unto the road in front of him "MR. DRIVER!! MY ID IS STUCK!!OPEN THE DOOR!!" I repeated again no response. So my roller skates took me to the road. Trying to avoid; cones and constraction sites

Someone noticed, she went to the driver and got his attention. He opened the door and I lost balance, falling on my butt "I am so sorry. Let me help you!"

A female voice offered a hand to me

I looked up to see a girl about my age offering a hand out. She was so beautiful and had perfect proportions

My hand caught her hand and pulled me up

"Thank you! Forgive me. I am really late for my class so gotta go." I said waving goodbye to her in a hurry. Roller skating to the destination. Arriving to the school grounds

"ID please." The guard said with his serious facial expression

I gave him my ID, my feet were going to skate into the school before I was stopped

"You can't bring that or use it within the premises. Hand it over. You may get your shoes after school." He said while he gestures for me to give the skates. The guard sat on his hip tapping his foot gazing at new rollerskates

I had no time to argue. Took it off and placing in a plastic. I opened my bag, getting my rubber shoes then wearing them

"You may proceed." He said in a calm manner his hand gestures were basically telling me to "Get lost you child"

I got my phone and looked at my schedule and classroom. Headed to the room. Opened the door, seeing the teacher and students. All stared at me

"May I know who you are?"

If I Was Your Age| Choi Yeonjun FF (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now