2: The demon and Michael Clifford

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'This dizzy dreamer and her bleeding little blue boy'

I just stood there looking at the monster that was in my visions,

"W-Who the hell are you?" I asked terrified of what was in front of me "Im my dear, is what you call a nightmare, I have no soul, I come from hell, I'm the demon." said the unknown someone or something

"You aren't real, Demons aren't real, it just a nightmare," I said thinking I was just sleeping, in which case I was hoping to god I was.

"Oh sweetheart... I'm real, I'm just not a nightmare from your normal slumber my dear, I'm a nightmare from what you call reality," He said coming closer and closer to me.

I backed up, I looked around to see what what was around I could defend myself, nothing... I'm screwed

"I'm so dead," I accidentally said out loud, "oh honey, you are so right." He smirked once again crowding me in a corner.

I pushed him away and ran out, just ran, ran downstairs to the door "GOING OUT MOM" I yelled slamming the door, going to the shed.

I grabbed my bike and just rode, rode down the street I wasn't sure where I was going but I had to get away.

that's when I had idea, I need to get to that boys house, how though, I have know idea where he lives, or if he is alive.

be nice to have a vision right now.
I turned to see if he was chasing me, which he wasn't, thank god.

I stopped at the stop sign and started to move my hands everywhere, trying to get a vision.

I started to touch the stop sign.

I placed my hands back on my bike when I got a vision, "ah, ah"
There stood the boy in my first vision, blue eyes blonde hair.

"you need to get out of there as fast as you can, before he gets you to," He said

"What do you mean, get me to?" I spoked, finally get to speak in these things.

"H-he got my sister, Sam she was only 6," He said with glossy eyes.

"How do I get out? I'm trapped I'm only 17 I can't live on my own yet,"

" I don't know kid, can't help you there.. I'm sorry"


it was to late he left


I blinked a couple times, I sighed and got back on my bike.

I make my way around the corner, only to find another house maybe they'll know about the house, I live in now, about the demon.

I pull over and hop off my bike, just letting it fall to the grass. I walked to the front door, take a deep breath and knock on the door.

couple seconds later the door opens, to a boy with red hair, and green eyes... Not bad, not bad at all.

"Hi I'm Paige and I just moved to the house around the corner, this one," I said pulling out a picture on my phone. The red heads boy eyes widened

"Do you know anything about it, like the history behind it or?" I finished off. The red head boy didn't say word, he just pulled me in his house, closed the door, and locked it. "You need to get out of there, that house is the demons house, how did you find that house?" He said looking at me worried, "I-I" I have know idea what to say, just say 'my mom and dad found the house, and I met this creature'... makes perfect sense.

"my parents bought the house, have no idea how they found it." "Well your parents bought the wrong house," He said Don't you think I know that.

"Tell me did you meet him, yet?" He asked panicky "Who's him?" "The demon, you know black eyes, black hair, tats on his arm?" He described "Y-yea, I met him t-today," I said with a gulped

"What is he? who is he? why is he there?" I bolted out questions

"He is a demon, his name is Zayn, and no one knows why he is there, or how he got there," He said.

So Zayn huh?

"Oh by the way, names Michael, Michael Clifford," He smiled, I returned the smile.

"C'mon sweetie, I know your in there." Someone said from behind the door. we snapped our heads towards the door, "Who's that?" I whispered

Then there was one word that I was not so fond of hearing.....



Listening to pierce the veil ✌️

Hope you guys enjoyed chapter 2⃣

What's gonna happen in chapter 3? how did Zayn know Paige was with Michael?

find out in chapter 3⃣

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