Dubai I'm in Love

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Moon Byulyi was a beautiful nightmare.

Jin had managed to avoid more life-threatening situations for almost the rest of trip. Just a week before it's over, Byul was yet again pursuing disaster.

"I have to! I won a lottery for skydiving. Totally free. I can't just let it go to waste."

"You can buy lottery ticket in Dubai?" Jimin questioned, raising an eyebrow.

"Yes," Taehyung and Wheein said at the same time.

"Sweet," Namjoon said with his usual enthusiasm, "I'll do it." He hopped up off the couch and snatched the ticket out of Byul's tiny hand. His excitement disappeared after he read the details.

"These are for today? I have a date with Hyejin. So is Taehyung and Wheein," he told her, "but hey, if you want, we'll totally do it another time. I'll pay for it, yeah?"

"Definitely!" She agreed, not losing any of her excitement. And of course, turned her attention to the only poor soul in the room that didn't seem to have plans.

"No fucking way!" Jin is now looked terrified, "Leave me alone!"

"What? It's just skydiving." Byul argued.

Yoongi smirked, "Yeah, Jin. It's just skydiving."

"All you have to do is jump out of a plane," Jimin added.

"I know what skydiving is!" He's spat, Jin flipped the two of them off, Wheein rolled her eyes and Taehyung trying his best to hold his laugh. Byul, however, didn't let up for a second.

"Come on, Jin." She's now pulling Jin's sleeve "The pass is for two people, I have to bring someone. Namjoon is still in his date with Hyejin or whatever, Jimin and Yoongi already have a plan you're the only one left to ask!"

"I'm going to join Jimin and Yoongi." Jin answered coldly.

"You're not welcome, man." Yoongi said calmly.

"Why the hell not?"

"We asked you last week, and you turn us down." Jimin scratch his head, "and we already prepared everything under our name. And yours aren't included."

Byul smiles, and turns to Jin,


"I haven't say anything!"

"I know what you're going to say."

"Jin," Byul put her hands together in a pleading motion, "Please do it! It won't be that bad at all. I swear it won't kill you."

After arguing back and forth for 30 minutes, Yoongi being a jerk bet a hundred dollars that Jin wouldn't do it. So here he is. And here Byul is. About to jump out of a plane.

"We actually might die this time," Jin said as he did exactly what the instructor told him not to do and looked down.

"Probably not," Byul said, still smiling.

"But we might."

"We might."

The instructor counted down from ten and it all felt strangely familiar. Jin was pretty sure he might actually start crying any second now. She wasn't scared at all. She looks excited, she doesn't held the instructor like she held Jin last time in Macau tower.

When the instructor said to jump, they jumped. Jin himself was surprised he did it, but he did. Byul was positively thrilled and screamed in happiness the whole way down. Jin however was way too scared to make any sudden movements or open his mouth and also kinda concerned that he might swallow and chokes on a bug or something.

Everything went better than expected. Their parachutes worked perfectly, no one swallowed a single bug, Jin didn't even piss his pants, and most importantly no one die. Take that, Yoongi.

"You didn't even die!" Byul yelled, run to him with an open arm and hug him tightly.

Jin just laughed while hugging her back.

He realized something, he loved her a lot.

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