Being noticed

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Carefully I put one leg outside the car, followed by the other one. It is a grey schoolyard with a lot of people. There are no trees or other plants, only students looking at us. Well, I'd better say 'staring', because that was what all these people do. 'C'mon, Alice! Everyone has already noticed us.' my sister says irritated. I follow her and as we walk further I feel more and more eyes pinning into my back. 'You're new, right?' Someone next to us suddenly says. I quickly turn my head and see a cute boy with beautiful, brown eyes. 'I'm Liam.' 'Hayley. Nice to meet you.' my sister says. 'Alice. Hey.' I tried to smile in a sweet way, but I think I failed completely. 'What's your timetable?' 'We don't have one yet.' Hayley and I say in exactly the same time. 'Wow, you don't only look exactly the same, you guys think the same.' Liam laughs. 'Hahah, yeah.. We hear that a lot. Do you know where room 132 is?' Hayley asks. 'Of course! You take the first stairs and then a few times left. Wait, I'll walk with you.' I smile. They all fall for Hayleys charms. As Liam keeps talking with her, I follow them while I'm lost in my thoughts.

When people don't know us, they just say: 'Wow, the Kendall sisters look SO similar!' But once they have talked to us, they see Hayley as the 'perfect and charming' one and me as the 'cute rebel' one. It has always been like this. 'You're one of the new girls! Everybody is talking about you.' A boy next to me says. He's also very cute and he's wearing a striped shirt. 'I'm Louis and you must be Hayley.' 'No, I'm Alice.' 'Oh, I'm sorry!' 'Nah, don't bother. Even our parents make mistakes in our names.' I say, trying to not make enemies at my first day. At the end of the corridor I see Hayley waiting for me. 'I'll see you around... maybe.' I say while I accelerate my steps. 'Bye.'

'Ah, the Kendall-sisters.' a bold guy, who must be the principal, says. We nod and he asks us to take a seat. 'So, welcome at Hayward High! English schools are a bit different from the Netherlands, but I'm sure you'll be okay. Here are your schedules. Hayley, your first lesson is English, classroom 124. And Alice, yours is biology, room 34. Sorry girls, but now I really have to make a call.' the principal says hurried. 'Oh, and if you walk through the canteen, you can sign up for a obligate subject for this semester.' After those words Hayley and I walked out.

'Well, I guess I'll see you by lunchtime then.' I say and while I walk through the corridors, I see beautiful paintings hanging on the wall. '24, 25, 26...' I count in my head. '32, 33... 34. Here it is.' One last breath and I knock on the door. 'Come in.' I hear and I open the door. 'Ah, the new girl. Alice, right?' A man, I guess the biology teacher, says. 'I'm mister Landford. Do you want to tell something about yourself?' he continues. 'Well, I'm Alice Kendall. My sister and I are from the Netherlands.' 'Okay, short and powerful.. You can sit over there, next to Lela.' Landford says, and I walk to my place.

I look at the other students, but I don't see a face I recognize. No Liam, no Louis. The first minutes are easy though; nobody says a thing. But after a while Landford walks outside and the hell sounds. 'Are you twins?' 'How comes your hair this red?' 'How are the Netherlands?' 'Do you have a boyfriend?' Everyone is staring at me and waiting for answers. 'Yes, we're twins. I dyed my hair. Cold and rainy and no, I don't have one.' I reply and luckily I see Landford is coming back again. Only the girl next to me, Lela, asks me another question: 'Do you already know you and your sister are the new victims?' 'Victims? Are we going to die?' 'No silly. I mean victims of The Five.' 'Okay, like I should know what you're talking about now.' I laugh. 'The Five is a group of five boys. They are super cute and incredibly sexy.' Lela is talking in a serious way now. 'I don't mind being a victim of them.' 'Well, you should be! They will seduce you till you are completely undressed and they can take your V-card. Almost every girl in our school has already lost it.' I swallowed after hearing these words. 'Who are those boys?' 'I bet they'll their reveal their names very soon, maybe even today, but to prepare you: they are Liam, Louis, Zayn, Harry and Niall.' Lela says it in a way my mother says things when I must not forget the groceries. 'I think we've already met two of them...'


First part, hope you liked it! I'm not a native speaker, so it will have a lot of mistakes. HYC and I, JHP, are going to write this story together. I wrote this part, so she'll write the next one. We don't know how it's going to be, but we are just going to try this. <3


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