Film time

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"Is this thing on?", Edwin said, reaching over the camera before starting his YouTube collab video. "What's up YouTube? It's ya boy Edwin and what's the situation? Today I am with Zach, Nick, and Shilo and we are doing the whisper challenge!"
"For those of you who don't know what the whisper challenge is, basically one of us will have on these headphones," Nick said dramatically waving his blue beats around, "And the other two of us will say things for them to try to understand."
"Enough talking lets do this thing!" Zach says with excitement, ripping the headphones from Nick's grip. "I'm ready if you guys are."
Before Nick or Edwin have a chance I jump to Zach's side and look him in the eye as I whisper, "Pineapple head," slowly, emphasizing every syllable. Nick and Edwin break out into uncontrollable laughter as I continue staring Zach straight in the face. I see a spark in Zach's eyes and I know I should probably take cover because I know how sensitive Zach is about his old hair cut.
"Pineapple head! Did you really have to go there Shilo? No! You didn't!" Zach screams I can't tell if he is actually mad or if he is just screaming because of the loud music flowing from the beats.
"Point Zach!" Edwin howels, "Next up, Shilo." he continues, dragging my name out way longer than necessary.
"Bring it on," I say with confidence. Edwin is the one who sits down in front of me. His wide, devilish grin worries me while also intriguing me more. Edwin's lips begin to move but are rudely interrupted when the door sings open slamming against the wall. We all look to the door, startled by the sudden commotion.
Before any of us can react to the two men now standing in our doorway, Zach is off the couch, his fists clenched as he barrels towards the men, Bryce and Mikey standing there clearly ready for a fight. "Well if it isn't Bryce Hall himself? You realize you're nothing without us?" Zach grunts. Before I continue A little back story may be helpful.
A while back Bryce and Mikey, the men standing in the door, we're the dynamic duo, Brikey. That was until one of their best female friends decided to flirt it up with both of them. Obviously, they both were unhappy about this and more drama bred from it. In the end, Brikey ended. Though they did come to their senses and makeup, they weren't friends, at least that's what we all thought. Bryce found a new group of friends, Nick, Edwin, and Zach. Mikey was left on his own.
Now you might be wondering if Bryce made friends with all of my friends then why is he coming back with Mikey? Well, in a more recent chain of events, Bryce allegedly assaulted Zach over a girl. This, of course, resulted in Bryce leaving the group as well. Back to the present time.
"You wish," Bryce chuckles, "We're here to remind you who got you where you are today." I love a good fight but I didn't see this ending well at all.

Part two coming soon

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