C1 : Unwind the ribbon

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Hyde Park, London.
Anna nearly skipped herself, half running to her favourite spot. Definitely wanted to surprise her boyfriend of two years there. Her boyfriend; Jung Jungki who has been studying in London all these while is one of the best things she ever had in whole life.

Anna who became an orphan after both her parents tragically dies in a car-crashed when she is 8. And she had been living all her life with her only grandfather. Which eventually dies of old age a year before she entered uni.

Even so, she never had any difficulty financially. As all her parents and grandfather assets is all hers when she came on age 17. Yet no one ever knew that she is the sole heiress of the Hawon Medical.

She would rather work anonymously than ever shows her face to the public. What people only know is Hawon Medical is held by Anne Lee with her proxy is Mark Tuan from Tuan Holding. She had been thinking all over to at last reveal her identity to her only bestfriend; Kayra Han and her boyfriend.

" Well, when the times come, I will."

From afar she could see her dearest boyfriend back. She looks absolutely ridiculous tiptoeing to the shady tree where he sit and leans on.

What she ever failed to realise is another person who is lying on Jungki's lap. Snuggled peacefully while talking in hush to the other.

" What- What the hell are you two doing!?"

Speechless. Betrayed. Anger all mixed up into one.

" Oh you're here. Took you long enough. I'm too tired to fake things all over. " Her bestfriend. No. Her ex-friend chides in.
She casually sits and continue to snuggle on Jungki's chest.

" Let's break up. I am tired of you. Well, you're dismissed." nonchalantly his apparently ex-boyfriend said.

That several rare moments where Anna eventually became speechless and this is one of it.

" What?!- Are you guys crazy?"

" Nah, for your information, I only did agree to become your boyfriend because of the dare I made. And right now, the time is up and I won. So I don't really need to follow your ugly ass anymore." Jungki replied.

" Oh oh, and well the bet is with me by the way.. He just need to make you dates him for two years amd then he will be all mine." Kayra continued while laughing.

" Pitiful aren't you, believing in us oh-so whole-heartedly when you did'nt even realised you're being played all over".


"Arghhhhhhhhhhh Idiot! what the hell are you!" The oh-so-gorgeous Kayra has turn red.
why? she got a wine bath, of course.

When Anna has regained her sense the first thing she saw is red wine that both of them had. Easy. She grab and splash.
She was about to retaliate when a loud stinging sensation invades her left cheek.

"You bitch! you want to know why I did this? because you are just a lowly life. You are never in our level. I am ashamed to ever be exist near you."

Anna is totally lifeless standing there. She couldnt muster any courage to reply.
She could do nothing.
How she wish someone could pull her away.
She stops herself from crying even if how hurt she is at that moments.

" Wow.. haha.. that is intense!"
' I need to go. I really need to get away. pain.. its too painful!'

" You!- " just when that bitch Kayra decides to add on the salts.

" Little muffin! there you are!"
Anna was suddenly engulf into a shoulder hug by an unknown giants from behind.

"Hush sweetie, lets go. Don't bother to waste your time with some monkeys"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2020 ⏰

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