216 pounds

3 0 0

Yup. That was my weight from 8th through 10th grade. Funny how I can maintain that but not a diet. Huh?

Anyways, I've always been... big. Even though I played soccer and basketball for three years. I have big calfs from muscles, half and half in my thighs, and all fat every where else. It's not necessarily a bad thing being big as long as you're comfortable with it and healthy.
Me? I was the healthy kind of big, but I wasn't comfortable with myself. I didn't want to be pencil thin like the models and actors that starve themselves. But on the other hand, I also didn't want to be made of pork rinds and ice cream.

I wanted to be able to show off a little bit. Thick, but not too thick. Big boobs and ass, but no stomach and no craters. So many times I tried taking the easy way out. I've tried starving, throwing up, diets, exercise. Trust me when I say I can give you tons of excuses, but who wants to hear that?
Truth is... I'm lazy! Yeah, I admitted it to myself now it's your turn. I find myself doing a whole thirty minutes of tae bo and feeling proud of myself for a few days. The next day I'm sore but I keep going. Two days later I'm sitting on the couch eating burritos watching the Steve Harvey show. I just couldn't stick with it. What I'm trying to say is I never gave up. Your epiphany will come and you will realize this isn't right.
I'm lazy and fat, so I'm going to do something about it. NOW! Take it a few steps at a time because I you start out full throttle you won't stick with it since your body isn't used to it yet. Give it some time.

A mile in my thighsWhere stories live. Discover now