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Tuesday, September 27.

I could not move, I could not walk, it felt as if my whole world was coming to an end.

Everything was going down the drain... I've lost track of the date.

I sat on the floor, too weak to climb up on my bed, hours ago some relatives I did not really recognise were busy consoling me.

Where were they when we needed help?
And now that things have gone bad they are here to sympathize, they only came here to get their fair share of the property my father owned.
Jealous and wicked beings.

It's been three days now and I'm still sitting here crying my eyes out, I glanced at the wall clock and it was already 5am.

Just like yesterday I won't go to school today again.
I was well aware that my mom was not around, she was always busy with work as always, she never cares, and she only comes home whenever she feels like.

Now there are no tears to even cry again, my eyes were red and pale.
Now that he has gone I would be left in loneliness and solitude.

I was starving, I can't remember the last time I ate something.
My head was pounding and my whole body was not itself, I felt very weak.

I remembered breaking down when I heard the news of my father's death.

Nothing will ever be the same without him.

I though to myself, and another hot tear rolled down my cheek.

Since three days ago, the only thing I did was cry and sleep off, wake up again and cry.

Yesterday I even saw my dad in my dream, he smiled at me and he mumbled something I couldn't hear properly.

I sat down in the same position before my mom's sister Aunty Betty walked into my room.

Damn it!, what does she want!?

"Lilian please come downstairs, your fathers relatives want to talk to you, and you can't keep ignoring them, they have been here since Sunday." Aunty Betty said looking worried as she walked into the room.

She bent down to clean the tear on my cheek before rubbing my shoulders.

"Lillian,  no amount of tears would bring back the dead, trust me your mom is in a worst situation now." Aunty Betty said looking very serious.

I'm  sure my mom doesn't care, all she cares about is her stupid hospital, work is more important than everything to her.
She was busy treating one of her patients when my dad was here dying helplessly.

"What do they want?, they should go back to the village." I said looking very angry.

Right now I felt like throwing every single person into the dustbin, they all mean nothing to me.

"Please come downstairs my dear, if you don't these people will take all what belongs to you." My Aunty begged.

She walked out after cleaning my cheek again, she closed the door behind her.

She is right if I don't go they would take what is rightfully mine, that is why they are here in the first place.

I mustered some energy and finally I could stand up, standing on my two feets felt strange and I could suddenly feel pain in my legs, I have been seated in that position since yesterday or the day before.

I walked slowly and sluggishly to the door, I walked out and into the lonely corridor.

Memories of my dad and mom playing Romeo and Juliet in the corridors, Memories of me bumping into my dad while running upstairs just to get my charger.

His Assignment (Ongoing/Edited)Where stories live. Discover now