Part 2

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"I just don't understand why he purchased me," You confess, crossing your arms shyly as a small frown makes its way onto your face. You stare at the cluttered floor, averting your eyes from the blonde in front of you. "It's like he's changed completely. He doesn't even touch me, much less look at me."

At your words, Satan sighs, turning his attention away from organizing the books on his table. He leans back on the desk and waits, his sharp gaze compelling you to look back up at him. "Lucifer is probably uncomfortable," He explains. "Other than Asmo, none of us have brought anyone back to the house. I wouldn't be surprised if he doesn't like the idea of having sex with the rest of us in nearby rooms. And Lucifer is absolutely the kind of fickle asshat to purchase a prostitute and neglect her afterward."

Satan mutters that last part under his breath, and you can't help but laugh. Since arriving in the House of Lamentation two weeks ago, you've grown used to Satan's quiet resolution to irritate Lucifer unto the ends of time, used to all the brothers, in fact.

There are Mammon and Levi, who always blush when they make eye contact with you but steal glances at your body when they think you're not looking. Beel, who approved of you the night you offered him a midnight snack when you went looking for Lucifer's study. Belphie and Asmo, who never fail to wink at you and ask if you want a night with them—though Lucifer always shuts them down. And of course, there's the blonde demon himself, whom you've somehow grown especially close to on nights like these, when Lucifer works late in his study and Satan is the only demon awake to keep you company.

"I guess," You respond, sighing. "But at this point, I'm closer to you than I am to Lucifer. Which isn't really..." You trail off, not wanting to accidentally say anything to offend the Avatar of Wrath.

"I know," Satan chuckles. "But the only reason you're close to me is because you come to me. If you genuinely want to understand Lucifer and why he purchased you, then perhaps you should go to his room instead?"

You groan, knowing that Satan is right. But talking to Lucifer is easier said than done.

"Shall I take you to his study?" The demon offers, sensing your hesitation.

And as much as you want to shake your head and retreat into your room (or Lucifer's room, technically), you force yourself to nod.

It's rather unsurprising when the place Satan takes you to has a secret entryway, the door hidden by the bookshelves of the library. You suppress a smile, amused. This explains why you've never been able to find Lucifer during your nightly searches for him.

"I'll leave you to it," Satan murmurs into your ear, gently pushing you into the room and closing the door behind you. You almost reach out to him, but he closes the door before you can act upon your second thoughts, and then the only sound in the room is the quick scribbles of Lucifer's pen as he finishes another line on your report.

You turn your attention to him, but Lucifer hasn't even looked up, a bored expression fixed on his face as he continues to fill the page with ink.

Finally, when he makes it clear that he won't be acknowledging your presence, you take it into your own hands to do so.

"Lucifer?" Your voice is hesitant. You hate how weak and unsure you sound, but you're uncertain whether you've crossed a line with finding him here in his hidden study. "Erm. Can we talk?"

The demon continues writing for a little bit, presumably finishing his sentence, before he sets his pen down. It's another moment before he looks up, but when he does, his expression is neutral and he leans back in his chair.

"Have a seat."

You hesitate, not knowing what he means. It would hardly be the first time one of your clients has asked you to sit in their lap, but Lucifer doesn't really look the type...then again, you are his personal escort, so wouldn't such activity be expected of you? But then, at the same time, he hasn't exactly expressed any interest in touching you either.

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