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This is handsome and cute Manu Rios my image of Ayden. He seemed perfect for this setting.


"Ayden... Ayden come please ... You have to come home right now. Things are bad." I saw my younger sister running as she called out my name. I could see the distress written all over her face. She was never one to be phased by anything but this time it would seem things were bad.

"What's wrong Ariella... Tell me what is happening.." I asked as she pulled my hand.

"Just come." She pulled my hand as we rushed home. I found my uncle seated on his armchair with a long face. My other two sisters were next to him with grim faces.

"What is wrong... Uncle... Did someone die?.... Ariel..... Anna.. someone ..... Talk to me damn it what's wrong?" I asked confused. No one was speaking to me or even looking at me. Things weren't that bad, right?

"Well. ... A Decree has been given..." Anna said softly...

"And..... " I said... "What kind of Decree?"

"All girls and boys the age of 24 to 26 are expected to be delivered at the palace. The Sheikh has demanded it. No money tribute this time..." Ariel finished with a completely worn-out expression.

"You couldn't possibly wish to send Anna uncle?" I asked looking at them as if the choice had already been made.

"What do you expect Ayden... This is the only choice. Uncle is already sad and heartbroken as it is ... We have to give someone from the village and we are the only ones old enough to go. If we do not then this village is as good as dead." Anna said crying.

I walked to where she sat and drew them close to me as I leaned my head on my uncle's lap as sat there in silence. Anna simply couldn't go. If uncle were to pass she would be the only one for now who would take care of the village. What kind of Sheikh asked people as tributes. He was mad as people had said him to be.

"I will go," I said slowly as they all looked at me as if I had completely gone out of my mind which I had. "I will go."

"Aiden you simply wouldn't... This is not okay" my uncle shot up from his chair moving to the fireplace. "I will not let this happen. I cannot let this happen."

"Ayden...uncle is right. You cannot simply go. That life will be hard for you. The palace isn't as simple as it looks." Ariel said.

"Look I know what I am doing. Uncle, listen to me... I know you are sick and it's not getting better whether you decide to tell me the truth or not. If you leave us who will take care of the village... Anna looks like you are the only one who can help me out here... I know the palace isn't a game, people die there like every day but if you were here I would be reassured that everyone will be okay...." I said getting up.

"No buts. I can see you want to argue. We have to face the facts uncle this is the truth whether you want to hear it or not. Anna, Ariel ad Ariella will take care of you. I will be alright. You know I am more than capable to handle the most tough situations. Anyway if we asked the others from the village to surrender their children they wouldn't and could cause uncle even more harm so I will go. Come now let's eat." I said as Ariella and I went ahead to set the table.

To be honest, Aunt had already told me stories about the palace. I always dreamed of seeing it and exploring it wondering how it was. Uncle never wanted Aunt to tell me those stories. My aunt worked there as demanded every few years. She told me how the palace was, the way people conducted themselves, and the dark side of it too.

The Sheikh too. People said he was a monster, a rude and crude man into dark things. Many rumors were circling. It was rather hard to know what was true and what was not. I did not want any of my sisters to go. They would completely stand out. Were all took our parents' looks.

My sisters took our father's eyes and hair while I took my mother's eyes and black hair. In terms of body size, we all took our mother's petite body size. My sisters and I were what most called rare beauty so standing out was one thing Anna could not avoid and standing out only meant trouble.

There was so much tension on the table you could cut with a knife was it possible. "Please lighten up. it's not like am going to my death sentence. Look it was inevitable with the new Sheikh. I will be fine... Uncle, please ...... Aunt would have agreed with me"

"Ayden... I know you will be fine. You are right on one thing your Aunt would have agreed. The carriage will pass by in the morning to pick you up. If you are sure about this Ayden I am not going to stop you." Uncle smiled sadly. "You look just like your mother. She would have been proud. Now let's lighten up."

My parents were the leaders of the village according to Uncle but after traveling to a near village, they were attacked and killed. We were young at the time so we hardly understood what was going on. Aunt showed us pictures of them as we grew up. Uncle had taken us in and raised us as his own even after our aunt died.

To say I was not panicked would be a lie. I was terrified. In this world, things took twists and turn unlike any other and the royal palace was no different. The Sheikh always followed tradition even after the former passed.

However this time it was different. The fact of the asked people as tributes were either to add to the army, employed as servants, or add to his harem. Mostly it would be because he was bored. This Sheikh had a lot going on and I can't say I liked it.

Our village was the smallest comprising not more than a thousand people. Chances were we would be combined with the other villages. I stood at my bedroom window that overlooked the whole village.

The night was silent, the moon full in the midnight blue sky. I always wanted more maybe this was fate giving me a sign, or my entire fate bring sealed. I wasn't also sure if I was digging my own grave. I wanted to look strong in front of them but my heart felt heavy.

"You can let it out you know." I heard my uncle's voice speak softly.

"Let what out?" I asked looking at him confused. I didn't know I was crying until he handed me a cloth. "Am scared uncle, I have never been away from home."

"I know you are a munchkin but to be honest am glad you are going. Your sisters were terrified I thought they would pass out. Ariella treasures you and she looks at Anna as her second mother. If she were to lose her I dread thinking about what would happen to her. When you volunteered I was relieved and worried at the same time. I want you to stay but at the same time, I want you to be free to explore. I want all of you to be happy. Let this be an experience for you. Your family will be okay. Promise you will always write.." uncle asked as he held my hands

"I promise I will. " I said hugging him tightly. "You fight until you get better. It's not yet time for you to leave us. You have to stay with them just a little longer"

"Am not going anywhere, my dear. At least not yet." He said. "Are you sure this is what you want my dear?"

"Yes, it is. I would do anything for them if it means I get to keep them safe." I said smiling.

"Well am happy if you are happy. I love you." He said kissing my forehead.

"I love you uncle," I said as we all retired to bed. I did not sleep a wink. I was awake anticipating what would happen tomorrow and the next days to come. What would my life become.....

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