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Here goes. Enjoy. This is my image of the baths in the palace.


My heart was beating so fast I thought it might just pop out my chest. What the hell was that? I had hoped to stay low key and not be noticed and not cause any trouble but fuck was it hard to do. This was way more than that. His eyes just drew me in like magnets.

I wanted to go to him. I wanted to sit next to him and let him have me. I never felt such emotions in my life even when my friend back in the village made a move on me and kissed me. His smirk only turned me on Everytime I closed my eyes and thought of it and that was every second of this particular moment. I shed my clothes and went to the bath in my room and soaked in. Thank heavens they had this in everyone's room.

I laid my head back as I stared at the beautiful ceiling. Everything was beautiful in this palace. I thought about him again. How would his hands feel on my body as they caressed me, how his lips would feel on mine. How would he taste on my tongue. I was getting turned on and I felt my body twitch. Fuck! I needed a distraction.

I thought of wondering around the palace but I wouldn't want to be near him or bump into him. My train of thought was disturbed when I heard a slash in my bath. Opening my eyes I saw Chase flushing me a wicked smile and knowing him for those few hours only meant he had news.

"Something must have happened for you to look at me like that," I said as I wiped water from my face.

"You read me quite well. Yes I have news since you sneaked out the feast without a little warning or signal."he said pouting. "Anywho..... The Sheikh got angry and pushed a tribute hard enough he almost broke his arm."

"What the actual fuck? Stop ..... " I said shocked. Angry? Oh gosh I wish it really had nothing to do with me. "Are you serious?"

"Yeah it was actually after you left. He talked to a man who he pushed aside first. He then looked around as if he were looking for something. Then this bitch out of nowhere jumped him. Am sure she has been beheaded by now and her family done for." He said as she lowered himself deep in the water.

"Remind me not to piss him off. Damn!" I said as my heart pounded even faster and harder. Has I angered him, was he mad cause I walked out.. then again he had warned me to stay put. How would I though? He had the intent of coming to me. No way I was going to let that happen.

"Hello... Ayden... " I heard someone hour my name and I shook my head.

"What!!" I said as I got out the bath back to my room.

"I called you like five times. You mind seemed to have wondered. We need to be careful Ayden. No clue on what will happen if we piss anyone off here. " He said as he joined me in bed.

"You got that right. Let's just sleep and see what's waiting for us in the morning. " I said as we went to sleep.

I kept wondering what happens when living this kind of life. Just sitting and doing nothing was really bugging me. We were in my room again when two girls walked in smiling.

"Hello.... How may we help you?" Chase asked leaning on me.

"My name is Lola and she is Lorna. Am here to serve His Royal Ayden and my sister to serve his Royal Chase." She said smiling.

"So royal?" Chase and I asked at the same time.

"Well yes. You are now part of a harem. Cannot call you another name other than that. You are royalty now. " Lola said as her sister nodded vigorously. "Well let's get cleaned up for breakfast."

Chase head to his room with his new servant. "So Lola what do people do around here?" I asked as she help me undress, clean up and dress.

"Well you could visit the gardens they are rather beautiful and breathtaking. You could visit others, ride horses but that comes when His Highness the Sheikh gives you permission. Well a lot of things the Sheikh gives authorization. You should try finding favour with him. It will do you good. " She said.

"Oh no. That is something I am not willing to do. I do not want to make enemies right now. I would prefer the Sheikh coming to me. I heard yesterday a girl was thrown hard enough to almost break her arm." I said as we walked to the grand breakfast hall. " I am already living a peaceful life and I want to keep it that way. I do not want targets behind my back. It will take time before the Sheikh seeks me out." Well I was hoping he'd forgotten about me.

Chase was already there again stuffing his mouth. For his petite body the boy sure could eat. I sat next to him as Lola fixed my plate. Just as we were were having a peaceful breakfast but damn that didn't last long.

"By the way you eat, the Sheikh will hardly take notice of you. " A girl said scoffing making everyone go silent. Chase was about to react but I held him back. "No comment little piggy..... You should feel sorry for yourself. "

"For someone who got shunned and thrown half across the room by the Sheikh himself, you rather have a big mouth." I said as I ate my fruits. " You maybe did break something along the way. Your mind seems to have been lost."

" he did not... He was just playing.. " she stammered trying to make a point.

"Your desperation amuses me. Should you not at least wait for the Sheikh to call on to you, you literally threw yourself on on him like a cheap whore. I am amazed you are still alive after the stunt you pulled." I said as I pulled Chase up. " Lola please get a platter of mixed fruits and foods and take it to my room. Lorna you too."

"You don't know who I am.. I.... " She was about to talk when I looked at her with dark  glare. " You will do nothing my dear. I do not give two flying fucks of who you are. We are all equal here well at least you were until your grace fell. Am warning you, if you dare come close to my friend or I .... You will not like what I will do to you.... With your fat face right now.... The now pig suits you perfectly."

I pulled Chase as we walked away. We went to my room as I paced around it. I heard Lola and Lorna giggling and Chase looking a me all amazed.

" Will you calm down. I mean I was the one who got insulted. How did you know she was the one .." Chase said eating the platter of fruits

"Lola showed her to me. I was pissed." I said sitting down eating a strawberry.

"Well for someone who just said they don't want attention, you just created a name for yourself. You did good though defending your friend " Lorna said laughing.

"She is right. Thank you Ayden. No one really stood out up for me." He said smiling.

"Don't mention it. Lola clean this up." I said as I moved to sit near Chase. " Look we only have each other now. If I find you interested in the Sheikh I will stay away, if anyone hurts you I will hurt them for you." 

"I will do the same for you. Though to be honest am not interested in the Sheikh rather I am interested in the man he sat next to.... He was so dreamy Ayden. He was simply perfect but I doubt he noticed me. " Chase said looking out the window.

"Not to worry... We shall find out soon enough" I said kissing his forehead. Why was I relieved just now. Was it because he said he was not interested in the Sheikh. What the fuck was wrong with me.... I couldn't be into the Sheikh would I? The thought of him made me want to blush but I held back..

Chase went back to his room as I went for a walk after dismissing Lola. I just wanted time alone and just lay back a little. The day had passed so fast. Nothing really happened aside from what had occured in the morning. I was going back to my room when someone grabbed me placing their hand on my mouth.

I hoped that he would not remember me, tht had forgotten about me. I looked hoped he would never come close to me. Now care to tell me how the hell he had pinned me against the wall with his hand on my mouth.

"Thought I wouldn't see you again ya helo. You disappeared without saying goodbye.. how rude of you my dear." He whispered then smirked.

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