Ch.10.Little Fox.

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{I Don't own BNHA or The Reader}

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"I quite like the design but at the same time it's not really suited for my needs" the blade in his hand was quite beautiful but at the same time it was not weighted properly, and not to mention the metal used would easily snap, he was not satisfied with this at all, placing it back on the table he sighed "it is also made poorly, find me something else"

He watched as the blade was placed back into it's box and away from him, making his way to his chair he sat at his desk, this was yet another weapon he disliked another blade and another day, he had school for crying out loud, he was a teenager yet he still had responsibilities.

His indigo eyes sparked as he pulled something from his desk drawer, a simple picture "Were so different you and I" he whispered with a frown "un jour  my dear we'll be together despite our backgrounds" he would hope no mater he had things to do today.

Tomorrow he'd go back to the school he attended for heroes, placing the photo of the one he had fallen for back in his desk he wondered why he had to be cursed with such things, and to make matters worse he was quite certain the one he liked had another in sight, oh such a cruel fate indeed.

"No I can not think of this" he whispered "I have to focus on my work on not my dear beloved whom shall never see me in the same light" twirling around in his chair the dart board hanging in his office on the was had a picture taped to it, a face he shall always dislike "Why must my dear love you so much quite a shame indeed"

Deciding he was not fit to finish today he got up from his chair and exited his office, giving the ones he worked with a goodbye as his mask hid his face with a sigh, hopefully his parents had a solution to this mess he had gotten himself into, love was just something that he could never get for his destiny was nothing sort of kind.

Though maybe one day he would be able to change it, indeed one day perhaps but not today.


"And do tell whose in charge exactly?" Izuku was not very kind when it came to newbies disrespecting him or his little sister for that matter, they did not know his face for he hid behind a mask of his own design, but today he had chosen to see the newbies whom had joined their ranks, unfortunately one of them had the urge to try and harm his little sister, that was a no go, and not to mention he was not the only one holding a blade to the man, "Is it you because last I checked you are just a pathetic nobody".

"Whom shouldn't try and put there hands on our little Fox" Kitsune stated all nine of their tails holding the man in place so he couldn't escape, their tails tightening on the man each passing second, the blade pressed to his throat by the little prince was starting to draw blood, "Young Prince how shall we dispose of this trash?" they questioned.

"His punishment shall be the worst, my little sister will enjoy his quirk in her collection" his eyes sparked dangerously "You see my quirk is a little messy" a crazed smile graced his face "Now please don't scream to loudly I wouldn't want my precious little sister to hear your pitiful screams"

The Ninja had already did his part in removing his sister from the room, Izuku indeed liked the two whom were recruited a while ago they had promise and Kitsune seemed to have the same side as he did, their tails were taking the air out of the man slowly, honestly Kitsune and Ninja made the perfect villains, and they would train his little sister to her full potential, as of now he had a thing to do.

His eyes began to change to a crimson tone from behind his mask as he dropped the knife and instead removed his gloves and placed his hands on the mans throat, his real quirk was indeed something deadly, and this mans blood was already staining his hands from the cut his knife had made, he didn't even allow the man to plead for those whom have an intent of harming his sister do not deserve a chance.

A scream came from the man as cracking sounded the room, the mans bones had began to crack and break, as the skin around the green haired males hands became blistered almost like a hot iron, Kitsune removed their tails from the mans body as something made it's way from the mans mouth a smoke like substance, removing one hand Izuku had raised it and in a matter of seconds and orb of glass formed around the smoke trapping it.

Kitsune caught it with one of their tails before it could his the ground, "Never in my days have I seen a quirk cause so much destruction, though I do assume you have more than just one" their ears twitched "I need to wash my tails for this mans stench will only upset my mate,  one day little prince you will make a ruthless King" they walked past the green haired male whom indeed had used more than one of his quirks.

Deciding he in fact needed to get washed up as well he followed the fox, honestly Izuku wished that mans blood never touched his hands it was far to much of a mess, he'd have to ask someone to dispose of the corpse where no one will care to do a fingerprint search.

He'd also have to burn one of his favorite knifes because of that man, honestly he loved that knife, it was a gift from an old friend of his whom of course hid behind a mask as well, honestly a lot of teenagers were possibly villains now a days.

And Izuku wouldn't be surprised if any of his classmates turned out to become villains in the nearby future, hopefully it wasn't the grape haired boy for he was certain that male would try and pull something on his little sister, if he ever tried to do anything well just like the man whom laid dead and quirkless it would be quite the same.

Honestly that man is lucky he ended it quickly, for his dear mother and father would have slowly tortured the man till his final breath, honestly he was quite Kind when ending him, for his death could have been far more worse after all.

Because the league was a family, a family that would protect anyone in their ranks, and you'll surely die if you harm another member, or if you try and betray them honestly they weren't heartless as the media made it seem, heroes killed people as well if anyone was the real villains it was them.

Than again nobody was truly good neither were they truly bad, and one day Izuku and his little sister would change that and he would one day get his revenge on All Might his dear mentor whom had no clue what was in store for him, and not to mention his little sister was slowly wrapping everyone around her finger.

And the sports festival would indeed be a great opportunity to try and recruit people, and have more get tangled in the web of lies that had been spun, it would indeed be quite fun.

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{Will I ever say what the main ship for this story is? Nope, I'm just gonna keep you all guessing, simple hint though I never specified this was a Tododeku story now did I? have fun guessing the true ships~} 

Little Fox {League Of Villains x Child Reader}Where stories live. Discover now