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*ding* my phone went of.

snap from mattia💁🏽 swipe to open

i opened the snap and there it said.

mattia💁🏽 ur still flying in tonight?

sammie🧜🏽‍♀️ yeah. alejandro doesn't know?

mattia💁🏽 nope. the plan is all good.

sammie🧜🏽‍♀️ alright ttyl 👁

mattia💁🏽 ew bye.

The boys are my best friends. i moved freshman year and we lost all connection. not to recently i got in contact with mattia kairi and robert. the boys knew i was the CLOSEST with alejandro and they knew we had to meet up again. so we made plans without alejandro knowing. but they don't know i'm moving to jersey. they think i'm just visiting for like a week. but no 😼. i was always the only girl in the group. except for when mattia was dating jenna. we were always best friends also. we never had a problem. mattia and jenna aren't dating anymore they broke up sophomore year. although there on great terms and jenna has a new bf and mattia is talking to someone. me and jenna also talk.

time skip

i finished packing. im about to leave to the airport. a tiktok wouldn't hurt . i tried my best to not look like i was gonna go on a plane. it was easy cause i always look like a bum.

 it was easy cause i always look like a bum

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  sammiegiraldo: i'm so messy omg.

Time skip again

i just landed in jersey. the boys are gonna pick me up. ugh let's see how this goes

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