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Mattia im at the airport. Can toy pick me up?

Mattia🔩 yeah im omw

Alright ty tia

Mattia🔩 yw sam

and thete i was waiting for mattia to pick me up. I waited for about 30 or so minutes until i saw him walk through the doors.

i saw him so i yelled his name


he looks to his side and sees me standing up. seconds later we were in the tightest hug ever. tbh i missed it. i didn't have friends in sc so obviously i was bored all the time.

eventually we broke the hug talked and got in the car.

mattia- so we're having a party later.. i was wondering if you would come. the rest of the boys will be there and i want to surprise them.

sammie- ummm. sure i'll go. only if you take me to get a dress.

mattia- i- fine. we're going now because i'm hungry and i don't wanna go later.

sammie- yay ty tia

mattia- yeah yeah. (YeAh YeAh)

time skip

mattia- that dress is perfect. you look gorgeous.

sammie- are you sure ? i'll get it.

and with that we went home , or I went to my house and got ready.

sammie- hey tia can you take me to my house.

mattia- um sure.

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