I dont wanna go back :/

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I am going back to my mom's house today, and like every normal Sunday, I am dreading it.

I had a dream where I had a pet owlcat

Idfk know why, but a hybrid between a cat and owl is adorable and it's my new child.

I might draw it when I come back


Im just gonna spend the rest of my day playing video games, watching South Park, listening to music, and chillin with my dad, cuz he's cool

Also me and two other people played this game last night, where we would send pics of anime, video game, and TV show characters and we would rate them _/10 based on how attractive they are.

It was fun

Oh, I recently started getting into the killing stalking fandom and I l o v e i t.

Does that mean I'm a psychopath? Probably

Do I really care?

Idk what else to really say, but if you need me I'll be playing SCP:SL on my PC. If you wanna play w/ me I'll either be on the servers Pokes Chaos, The Entire Communist Party, or NextLevel

Cya bitches

Have a good day
- Sam (he/him) 💀🔪🎮

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