Samsaras = Better known as 'helicopters' they are winged seeds produced by Maple leaves
The Samsara's met the wind and she howled with a gust
Down they fell, spreading like dust
One whispered as she was whisked away
I fall in the breeze, in a disarray
For what did you find yourself in need of a castaway
But the fall is exciting the wind replied
You live once and I force you to die
So I could seem another beam?
But I am nothing but another Samsara it seems
Your dance gives me joy and it puts you to rest
Thanks from all when the next colours come through
I am me but there is nothing as insignificant as you
So fall in the quiet
I am the one that lets you scream
Dance yourself silly
This shall be but a dream
And you'll be pleased to hear no one will cheer
They wont even have known you were ever here
Now its a wait till those next year
Don't think your position you could ever outgrow
You're just another Samsara before the snow