Part 5: Gathering Storms and Cunning Plans

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They got him up, eventually. He was a little dazed from all that happened, but that wasn't a surprise to any of them. All they wanted now was to find a way out, rethink their plan, and return to 'kick this wizard-man's ass' as Vuraria quoted it. Lousine shared with them all she had found out about Firus, but Albedo was silent during all this. "I... I must have forgotten." He murmured, as he held his head in his hands. "I do think we should head back."

They failed to sense that there was a slight purple light around Albedo's ears.

"Through here." He said, as he led them through the swamps. The foliage got thicker, the air more dense and the bugs and frogs more insistent than ever. The bugs especially feasted well on them that night, tiring them out even more.

"Are you sure you know where we're going?" Ayan asked. He looked and the sky had been darkening for a while now. "It's true. Last time we followed your dumb faun-shit route we got drenched by the rain." Snarled Vuraria. She was, however, more suspicious than tired. "This doesn't look like where we've walked before."

"Trust me. I know where we're going." Albedo said, monotone and sleepy-sounding. He walked up front, the three children huddled close behind. And it was true.
Albedo wasn't leading them away from the swamp.
Firus, inside of him, was luring them deeper inside.

They came to where a tree lay half-fallen, providing some shelter. "We can either rest here, or we can go on." Albedo said. His stance was dull and he looked much more disinterested than the three. This did make them grow more suspicious.

"Do you... Not care about this any longer, Albedo?" Asked Lousine. She sounded very upset over this. She hastily noted everything down in a small little notebook before undoing the knot in her hair. Vuraria bumped her against the arm. "Wizard-people... They're probably battling it out in his head or something." Lousine's eyes went wide, and she quickly made more notes.
"Either that, OR you're just too chicken-shit that you can't admit that you got us lost. Again." Vuraria continued, cockily crossing her arms and staring right at the wizard. But he did not respond. He merely stared into the swamp.

Vuraria uncrossed her arms. Now she knew something was definitely wrong.

Ayan on the far end of the group was getting more worried in turn as well. The fear of going back and leaving everyone here to their slumbering doom wasn't nice. He wanted to help these people! But who knew what this evil wizard-man was planning next.

"Do you think we have a chance?" He said, his hands trembling a bit.

"Of course we do." Vuraria replied, feeling a sneeze coming on. She waited a bit before fire shot out of her nose with a loud "AAAACHOO!", making a cosy, albeit disgusting, campfire. "Having magic does not make this person immune to getting his ass beat... As proven." She took the handkerchief Lousine handed to her without even looking, drying her nose. "Thanks." It was smouldering when she gave it back. A big spot was burnt out, and still red-hot at its edges.

"But he is a wizard of many gifts." Albedo replied, still in a voice far duller than his usual self. They saw him slightly twitch as he began clenching his fists. "And a persuasive git at that. What I wouldn't give to wrangle my hands around that pale throat of his and just..." He was still standing with his back to the three at this point. Ayan did not seem at ease. A normal Albedo would never say this. And it seemed that Vuraria and Lousine shared this sentiment with him. They all looked at each other in unease and paranoia. Vuraria signed with her hands. "Let's jump him. He knows more than he lets on, I knew he would. Let's make him tell the truth."

But now Ayan was turn between attacking his old friend, fleeing, or pursuing, and the thoughts of all three made him mad with worry.
He got up almost in an instant.

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