Chapter 3

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I was the first person Hana took home. She says it was because I was the one who's house was the first one we passed on the way to hers, but it was probably because I had been acting weird all night. I wished I wasn't so spooked by whatever my mind keep seeing, but the feeling of deja vu was too strong to ignore. When I got home, I head straight to my room, kept my lights off, and immediately started pacing back and forth.

"Ok, Chihiro. Think. Don't lose it. You're not losing it. Where have you seen these things before? Just think! Think!" I was ranting to myself. I balled my hands into fists and hit them against my head hoping it would hit some thoughts into place. I always do this when I get frustrated. 

I kept pacing back and forth pushing my mind to put the pieces together, but nothing was clicking. I looked at my clock and realized I had been pacing for over an hour already. It was already eleven at night. Feeling extremely disappointed and frustrated I plopped into bed not even close to being able to fall asleep. I laid in bed staring up at my ceiling still questioning what was happening to me and why, but still got the same result. Nothing. 

My eyes moved from my ceiling to the bracelet I still had on my wrist. I focused on the silver dragon charm and waited to see if I could recall anything again. I had seen this dragon and everything my mind had been playing for me before. It seemed impossible, but I didn't want to believe that it was impossible yet. I wasn't crazy.

Once you've met someone, you never really forget them.

It's called love.

I knew you were good!



"AH!" I yelped sitting up in bed. I was dreaming of those voices again. I didn't even realize I fell asleep. My heart was racing, so I took some deep breaths to get it to relax again. My eyes looked to my clock on the wall, and I realized had been asleep for five hours. It was five in the morning and the sun would rise in about two hours. But I wouldn't be here in those two hours.

I hurried off my bed and scrambled to put my sandals again. I slowly and quietly crept out of my room and down the stairs to grab the car keys and leave a note on the counter for my parents in case I didn't make it home on time. There was someplace I needed to be. I head out the door to the car sitting on the driveway and recklessly tried to back out almost hitting the garbage cans on the curb and made my way back on the road. 

I remembered. 

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