Adilah the Hermit #2

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Mommy is a superhero, she's a super genius for good, cure for cancer and medical nano robots, but also giant mechs, defense systems, freeze rays, cool little gadgets, and whatnot.

She always says I make too much stuff. That I should relax sometimes and enjoy "the fruits of my labors". She's right sometimes, I work too hard.

I wish I was her. I dream of crowds applauding as I defeat some big-name villain. I dream of building grand networks of robots who assist the police and street-level heroes the next time a villain robs a bank or attacks city hall.

However, I can imagine it being boring. You can say that I'm scared of being bored. 

A city without crime will make the police weak and less-experienced heroes will never learn. I'm scared that after the 50th time the crowd applauds it'll get stale.

Maybe that's why I always keep building and learning. There are many things to build and many things to learn, Building and learning will never have an end unlike a superhero's career where you'll eventually either get bored, retire, or be dare I say neutralized.

I guess this fear of boredom is what I got from my father.

Death rays, killer robots, biochemical weapons, mutants in a vat, etc... Daddy is a super genius for evil.

He would always say to me that evil is a business, a business of power, influence, and money. You don't actually use the death ray on the moon to destroy the world. As a villain, you just have to convince everyone that you'll press the button and you ask everyone to pay you NOT to press the button. And then you use the money to make more death rays on the moon.

However any person who does press the button, are just psychopaths.

Superheroes are just policemen with better guns. Daddy admires them because they use their powers to restore order and keeps the world from not falling apart instead of choosing the easy way and scrambling for more power. But they also keep the banks alive and the world financially stable which daddy thinks superheroes are suckers for.

Being the daughter of a hero and a villain will always make our kitchen look like a brand new picture everyday. Our robot butlers will always quarrel whether flames and spikes should be in a kitchen or whether the police dispatcher radio should be near the kitchen table. 

One moment the good butler would be asleep and the evil butler and his minions would get to work and make the kitchen all red, black, and chaotic. Then the other moment, the evil butler would be asleep and the good butler and his associates would get to work and make the kitchen all blue, yellow, and orderly.

So I open the fridge and demonic screeching plays out while I get a drink. Then I make some popcorn.

Being evil sounds so fun. It's almost like being a kid. You bully the other kids and take their money while you run off before you get caught. You can do anything and everything and, if you're good enough, no one can stop you!

I don't think I'll ever get bored if I become evil. Maybe I will if I blow up the planet and everyone is dead except me, but I hope I never do that. But it also sounds so childish; by not contributing to anything and stealing what other people had worked for just sounds so foolish.

Maybe I'll be a thief of the people. A Robin Hood...
Nah, that's too dramatic.

 Nah, that's too dramatic

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