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Crush: hey

You: why are you still awake?

You: are you still at the party?

Crush: i can't sleep

Crush: and no I'm not

Crush: why are you awake?

You: same reason

Crush: I'm sorry

You: what for?

Crush: we're friends

Crush: i should have told you about Yumi

You: what about her?

Crush: wait to be clear

Crush: you don't like me anymore right?

You: yeah no shit dude

You: it was just infatuation

Crush: okay good

Crush: remember when you first texted me and I was being a total asshole?

Crush: and then I told you that I was going through something

Crush: that something was about my girlfriend who cheated on me

Crush: the thing is

Crush: I still love her

Crush: I still love Yumi

Crush: and it has been fucking up my mind eversince

funny how youre the one fucking up my mind rn|

funny how youre the one|

funny h|

You: i appreciate you telling me this

You: i totally understand when no matter how bad of a person someone is, if we love them then we love them

You: all those bad things about them seems okay for you

Crush: yeah

You: so the question is

You: do you want her?

Crush: i love her

You: but do you want her?

Crush: i don't know

You: what did you feel when she kissed you earlier?

Crush: i felt a bit hurt knowing it was just a game to her

Crush: that it was just that

Crush: a moment

You: so you want it to be a story?

You: not just moments but a whole ass love story

You: right?

Crush: i guess

Crush: yeah

Crush: I guess I actually want that

You: dude then go get her


You: the sweetest ass out there

Crush: lmao

Crush: thanks a lot aly :)

Crush: i owe you one dude

You: no problem

You: btw

Crush: yeah?

You: do you smile just with the thought of her?

You: like just looking at her infront of you seems surreal

You: or that moment she kissed you

You: did the time slow down?

You: looking at her happy somehow makes your whole day

You: eventhough youre not the reason behind it

You: do you feel like she's the most precious treasure in this damn world?

You: because if you do

Crush: I do

I would fucking stop liking you|

I would fucking st|

I wou|

Crush: now that you asked me those questions

Crush: i want to spend my life with her despite her mistakes

Crush: everyone learns from their mistakes don't they?

Crush: i just hope she does too

You: thats a fucking great love story no girl would want to be the second lead to

Crush: lmao

Crush: you really know how to both deepen and lighten the mood

Crush: and i think that's what every boy wants in a girl

then I guess youre not a boy|

then I guess yo|


You: your point bitch?

Crush: you seemed like you like someone by the way you said those things

Crush: so my point is

Crush: don't give up on him

Crush: he'll eventually realize he likes you

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