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the girls arrived at their dorm.

"oh god i'm gonna puke" nako exclaimed.

the girls looked like their souls were leaving their body.

yena looked at her members, stifling a laugh which ended up the duck choking on her own saliva.

the girls rolled their eyes at her.

"deserves you better, tch" yujin remarks.

"yah, lets just hurry up" yena replies, coughing in between.

the girls took her advice and went to prepare. yena also took an item that she has been holding.

"this will be perfect"

"what is that even? a grenade?" chaeyeon inquires.

"yeah, i got this when we were tackling the guy. cool isn't it?" yena retorted, holding the grenade tightly in her hands as she waves it over to them.

her members reacted almost immediately, making a safe distant between them and the duck.

"yah, becareful with that." sakura hisses.

"i don't think i'm gonna die from the killer, i might just die cause of Yena unnie..." nako taunts.

yena pouts her ducky lips. feeling disappointed.

"c'mon lets just go, we need to find the girls and aid minjoo's wound" chaeyeon says.

the girls make their way to the entrance of the place.


"yah, i think thats the girls!" hyewon whisper-shouted.

the girls who were hiding in the dance studio grew anxious, not knowing if they should go out of the place or not.

it might be the guy's friends. so they hesitated. until the footsteps were nowhere near them.

seeing that no one would try to check out if the coast were clear, hitomi volunteered to take a look.

of course, the girls didn't want hitomi to go alone. so yuri came with her.

"becareful out there girls, once you feel like somethings wrong get back here." eunbi says. she was reluctant to let go off the girls but she knows things must be done.

"don't worry unnie we'll be back" yuri proclaimed.

"safely. we'll come back safely." hitomi added.

receiving a nod from the older they sneaked out of the studio.

the hallway was dark but not too dark, thanks to the lamp post that was emitting outside the building.

the ambience of the place wasn't helping them at all. it was too quiet for their liking.

"don't you think it was members earlier, hii?" yuri mutters.

"i hope so, we need them." hitomi replies.

sneakily walking through the place as they scan the surrounding.

"god how did this place turn so gruesome..." hitomi exclaims, covering her nose from the awful stink.

blood were scattered everywhere they looked. whoever did this really wanted to kill everyone that they could see ahead. and knowing that, they shivered over the thought of the killer. out for some blood.

yuri tried to hold in her vomit which she awfully failed to do so.

the peach girl was left there trying to hold herself from seeing yuri votiming all over the place.

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