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I was born into a Filipino-Korean family. My father (the older one) is a Korean and is 35 years old. And my younger father is a Filipino and 30.

They're young, I know.

They met when my Korean dad had a business trip in my papa's hometown in the Philippines. Though the business trip only lasted for three days, they stayed in contact. Dad was 21 and papa was 16.

After papa had turned 18, dad had asked him to visit him in Korea and that was where he had confessed.

They married after a year of dating and eventually, they began looking for surrogates.

I never met her, but I was thankful of her for bringing me to this world.

Sadly, an incident happened and I never made it home.

My surrogate mother had passed away after a complication during the operation (they did a C-section) and I was given to a local orphanage.

I was taken care of and they told me my story when I turned 7.

My parents never found out that it was me when they adopted me.

I never told them.

But to be honest? I was happy that I was back with my family, even though they were clueless about my lost past.

They adopted me the day I turned 13 as a present. They were already settled to adopt me since they had been visiting me months prior to the day of adoption.

When they told me the story of their lost child, I was honestly heart-broken. It was me they were talking about. They just didn't know.

But I could never get mad at them no matter how hard I tried.

Eventually, we visited our families, both in Korea and Philippines. During the final visitation in Jeju, I fell in love with someone who was also just visiting. But that's a story for later.

Since I accelerated in classes, I was spoiled with trips. Okay, spoiled sounds wrong but that's kinda what happened.

Eventually, treating me like a baby had to come to an end as I graduated. They had enrolled me to a college for my 11th Grade and I had moved into an apartment close to campus.

Although, I gotta deal with online classes since this pandemic isn't over yet.

They would visit me from time to time, though I assure them I was fine.

And someday, I really wish I could tell them the truth.

Shout-out of the day goes to ate CESELLA11618

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