9 ☠︎︎ 𝕆𝕝𝕕𝕜𝕖𝕖𝕡, 𝕟𝕖𝕨 𝕗𝕣𝕚𝕖𝕟𝕕𝕤 ☠︎︎

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[[I DO NOT OWN MUSIC OR ART/PHOTOS]] [[please let me know if there is any grammar or spelling errors]]

"Wow," Alana whispered to herself as she looked at the town from the deck of the ship. She was so excited to be in a new town for the very first time in her life. She watched the people swarm about their busy lives from afar, and she could hear the low mummer of life as people traded. It made her anxious as it gave her the same sensation when she would watch from her lonely balcony. She just wanted to jump off the ship and swim to town if they did not dock soon.
"Have you ever been to Oldkeep, dear?" An alluring voice asked from behind her. She turned to see Leopoldo strolling up to her. His white hair was tied up in a ponytail with a few loose strands falling to frame his feminine features. Leopoldo was a beautiful man and those who knew him joked that he had the face of a woman and the body of a god. He wore; a loose white poet shirt- opened at the chest- with a blue sash around the waist, navy blue trousers, and a pair of burgundy boots.
"No, I have never left Taycia." The girl answered honestly, turning back to the town. When Leo looked down at the girl leaning against the banister his heart began to race again, he hated this feeling but at the same time could not get enough.
"It is a very busy town, but also very rough in parts, so stay as close to us as possible," Leo warned.
"Rough?" The girl questioned looking closer at the town.
"Yes, there are many thieves and slave traders looking for new merchandise." He leaned his bum against this railing and crossed his arms. "Not to mention poverty, it makes a lot of people desperate enough to do anything for a means to food."
"Oh," The girl exhaled. She felt guilty, after all, this was her kingdom. Though she had no say in what happened, these were her people. What am I doing here? I am a coward. Here I am having a good time, but I ran away from them... the people who will one day need me.
A light weight on her head drew her from her self-deprecating thoughts, she looked up to Leo who was patting her dark brown hair.
"We will protect, dear." He smiled softly at her. "Do not worry."
She beamed, "I'll protect you too!" Alana giggled. But Leopoldo's heart swelled even more as he listened to her words. Dear Alana, please never protect me, let me die for you if I have to.
Minutes that seemed like hours to Alana passed but they were finally docked and heading down the gangplank. Kazumi and Leopoldo led, and Ivo and Leven sandwiched Alana between them on the way down, hoping she would not fall off. They huddled together when they made it to the dock, Alana's head-turning all different directions to catch glimpses of the different merchandise.
"We will head to the suppliers first," Kazumi began, his black hair glistening under the beating sun. "The crew will be fixing the small damages on the ship, so we can continue our journey." Alana thought back to the ship's condition when she finally saw the cleaned version this morning. The decks looked like cannonballs had been dropped straight through the floor, and many railing posts were missing, and a lot was just easily fixed cosmetic issues. "After the business is taken care of, we will walk through town," He mumbled before turning on his heel and starting their errand run. Alana smiled, assuming Kazumi was thinking of her when he decided to allow them to walk through town.
That was so boring- Alana thought to herself as she stretched her arms when they left the supplier. She had just been sitting on a stool as Kazumi negotiated back and forth with the clerk, and more so threatened him to get what he wanted. Leo, Leven, and Ivo were unloading with the rest of the crew the supplies they were trading. And then loading what they were there for. Alana felt relieved that Kazumi 'bargained' for more barrels of water for her ration as well.
Finally, with the lower crew members taking supplies backed to the Scorched Bones, they were making their way through town. It was indeed extremely crowded, and Alana felt like she was in a feeding frenzy of piranhas as people crowded stalls and shouted deals and offers. She started to panic; she had never been around so many people before, even palace balls had fewer people than this. She was being ping-ponged between people, as she tried keeping up with pirates who seemed to make a path of their own. Every step she took, she felt like she was being knocked back two more. Her heart was sinking as she felt like she was losing the pirates in the crowd and when she opened her mouth to call out to them her hand was roughly grabbed. She followed the grip to see Leven, who was looking at her with a stern, and annoyed look. "Keep up," He simply said, and began to guide her through the crowd. She gripped his hand back, a ghost of a smile on her face, thankful for the man. They eventually made it through the thick of the crowd, the three older, taller men were waiting for them in the clearing.
"We thought we lost you two forever." Leopoldo jokes. Leven rolled his eyes at his older brother.
"That was a little scary." Alana giggled, taking her hand that was still holding Leven's to bring it up to her chest and press it against her heart. "See how fast my heart is beating." She innocently smiled. Leven, however, turned a bright red as his mind shut down. The three other men shocked into silence at her boldness, and pure jealousy.
When Leven rebooted, he snatched his hand away from her chest. "W-what are you doing, idiot?" He turned his back to her trying to calm his nerves. The ex-princess was confused, naïve as ever.
"What's wrong Leven?" She placed a hand on his back.
"You did place his hand on your chest, little dove." Ivo's tone was threatening.
Alana thought of these words, as Leven kept his face down and the warm feeling growing in him to subside.
"But" Alana looked back to Leven. "Didn't you touch far more than that when we first met?" She joked, laughing. Leven's nose could have started to bleed from the thought of his pat-down of Alana.
"Dear, he is just a bit shy when it comes to women." Leo grabbed Alana by the back of her shoulders and began to lead her away from the flustered Leven. "Come, come, we have much to see." He laughed, Kazumi and Ivo followed, leaving Leven to calm down.
Idiot, why are you doing this to me? Why is my heart going crazy? No- I am, you are driving me crazy, Alana.

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