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After one year Aladdin and Tess were able to find a way to go back. But, they were not sure if it had worked. It was a magic formula that they never encountered. What if something had gone wrong

As for the Kou empire, an attempt to the empress' life occured recently.


Even if Tess and Aladdin were able to find a way to get back, the time for them to pass through the gates of the other dimension takes long. That is what they didn't know.

They expected that once they have entered the light they will immediately be able to cross but no. That was not the case.

Kou Empire: (Few days after the attempt on Kougyoku's life)

Alibaba, Judar, and Hakuryuu went back to Kou. The moment they've heard of the attempt of assassination they hurried back to check on the empress.

Of course Kougyoku was happy to see them again after their long search and that they came back to check on her but her joy didn't last long.

Her joy was easily replaced with sadness upon hearing the news the three had.

Still no sign of Aladdin. Judar tried every method possible, using magic to try and track down Aladdin's magic. Asking the rukh of every living thing in the island and near it. Everywhere they went, nothing.

This time Kougyoku is in the garden, sitting down at a magic turban. Doing this comforts her sometimes. Or if not, she would just make flower crowns.

She was alone but few moments later Hakuei and Morgiana joined her. They were the ones who always kept Kougyoku company.

She had a rough time. She is an empress but she was also a friend to someone who is missing and might be dead. That is why Hakuei and Morgiana always kept her company and Kougyoku appreciates it.

To be honest, back then Kougyoku didn't like her sister that much and she was very shy towards Morgiana because she was her very first girl friend. But, as time passed they have gotten really close.

Sometimes Kougyoku would teach them how to make flower crowns and Hakuei learned fast. As for Morgiana, well... let's just say it wasn't her thing.


Now they were all gathered in their meeting room. Kouen, Koumei, Kouha, Hakuryuu, Judar, Hakuei, Alibaba, Morgiana, Kougyoku, and Ka Koubun were there.

En: We still don't have a clue on who the person that tried to kill Kougyoku is.

Mei: He left no trace. Nothing that could lead us to him. All we know is that he is a man.

Ha: And he has magic too.

En: Yes, a powerful magician.

Ei: I'm afraid that that isn't our only concern.

Judar: What? Another pain in the ass?

Ei: It's the revolutionists. They are being more and more active.

Ryuu: Revolutionists?!  Since when did people revolt against Kougyoku?

Judar: How foolish. Why would they revolt against her.

Ei: Their reason is uncertain. Also, they want to bring either Kouen or Hakuryuu back to the throne.

Alibaba: They're a bunch of idiots. Kougyoku is a great leader and she has restored this empire back to it's former glory.

Gyoku: I-I

Alibaba: Kougyoku, you are great. I know you'll always be the great and strong empress for your empire. I believe in you.

Morgiana: We all do

Upon hearing the encouraging words of her friend, she smiled warmly.

Gyoku: Thanks everyone, for believing in me.


The sun has set and Kougyoku is in her study finishing some paper works. She is with Ka Koubun who was there to help her with her tasks.

Later she was able to finish her task and was walking along the halls with Ka Koubun beside her.

Ka Koubun noticed the troubled face of the empress and knowing the empress,  he was sure of the reason why.

Koubun: Your highness...

Gyoku: Yes?

Koubun: Your people needs you more right now. They need their empress. With all that's happening, you are too distracted to face it.

Gyoku: I can't help it.

Koubun: Someone wants you dead, someone wants you out of the throne and someone wants to harm your people. This is no time for your attention to be divided.

Gyoku: I can't just abandon Aladdin!

Koubun: Your highness, many lives are at stake here. Are you willing to sacrifice them?

Kougyoku was left speechless of what Ka Koubun said. She just entered her room in silence.

After closing the door behind her she broke down. Tears streaming down her face as she cried her heart out.

She was leaning against her door, sobbing.

Kougyoku has always been like this. In front of the people she respects, she is a strong woman but alone, she is just a fragile as glass.

She was hurt. Her heart was broken. She always thought about serving and fighting for Kou. She did her best for Kou. She did everything for her people and yet, they want her dead. They want her out of the throne.

Back at the meeting room everyone expects her to be strong and composed. She did put up a tough front but deep inside she was breaking. She was scared.

It was only Aladdin who she could cry her heart out but that one and only person was not there.

"Why? Have I done something wrong? Wasn't I a good leader? Am I not worthy?"

"All I ever wanted was to serve my people."

"They have always expected the best of me. Im tired, and scared, and I feel like breaking. I wish you were here, Aladdin"

There wasn't a time when Kougyoku didn't wish that Aladdin would return but a year has already passed.

Maybe it was time to accept and just move on. Focus on the empire. Focus on the problems at hand.

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