chapt 2

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Bucky's pov

I heard Natasha squeal and instantly dropped my phone and ran into the room

Then I saw a baby Peter clinging to Natasha

"Bugie!" He yelled then made grabby hands twords me

"What do I do?" I asked not sure if I should grab the child or not

"Well he wants you to grab him.. I need to figure out how to reverse whatever this is though" Loki said

"Awe no I like baby Peter" Natasha smiled

"Mama" Peter grinned back at her

"Woki mama an bugie" He grinned

"How old is he?" I asked then took the child

"My guess.. Probably around two years old" Loki said

"Mewel are" He said touching my arm I'm amazement

"Anyone tell Tony about this yet?" I asked

"No hell no if we tell him he'll freak out and probably kill me because obviously magic did this, it wasn't me though wait- shit" Loki said

I raised a eyebrow at him and he sighed

"I wanted to do something to Tony to make him less annoying for me so I made one of thors pop tarts to turn him into a kid.. Peter must have eaten it instead" He said grabbing Peter who now wanted him

"Sad woki" Peter commented then kissed lokis nose

"How do we even take care of a kid?" I asked

I had no memories of dealing with little children

I mean Peter but he was like 14 when I met him ya know?

"Well we feed him, play with him, change him though he's two ish he's probably still potty trained.. Then we feed him more he'll probably take a nap then when he wakes up repeat, it couldn't be that hard" Natasha said

"How long is it supposed to last?" I asked

"A day? I'm not sure" Loki said

"Hungwy" Peter pouted

"Oh no, okay what do you want? Uhm pizza? Or chicken nuggets? Or I could make you oatmeal probably" Loki said

"Pizza!" Peter yelled

"Nat could you order pizza? I'm still not good with phones" Loki said

"Of course I'll order a cheese one for Peter and peperoni and a supreme for the others" She said

"Oh I'll all get cheese sticks" She said

Loki say Peter down handing him the letter magnets from the fridge

Then Peter toddled twords me with the magnets

I sat on the floor and he climbed into my lap then started sticking then to my arm

"You should really stop spelling food items, last week you turned me into Steve remember? Then you caused Tony to see everything in rainbow for like a month and now Peter is a toddler" I said

"It's fun though.. Up until n today but I'm sure this will prove to be fun aswell" He said

Peter was leaning against my chest just messing with the magnets on my arm and I smiled softly

Kids are actually pretty cute


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